Just to add a bit of flesh to the bones...
I am in love with my Pro-Connect. It is the bike that my Twist yearned to be. I have them stood side by side in my shed and I am sure the Twist is making lewd advances toward it !!!
It has raised my
average speed from 14.9 to 16.5 mph doing my 10.5 mile commute in less than 38 minutes there (downhill), and less than 41 minutes back.
I arrive at work (having used high power all the way in) with 4 lights on the battery, and (so far - 250 miles in - early days) get home still with 2 lights left without recharging anything (
I have to recharge my Twist half way which was soooo annoying !! Nothing says 'Technology isnt upto it' as loudly as recharging a battery half way IMHO).
I normally carry about 5 to 10 Kg of stuff in my Ortlieb panniers with me (clothes / tools / sarnies / waterproofs / towel, soap n spray), sometimes more, like laptop, files and large amounts of fruit for our works 'fruit club' (rota based).
So me and my 15st with say 10Kg of panniers get to work at an
average of 16.5 mph, normally maintaining 20.0 mph on the flat (8th gear), 18 mph up a 1 in 40 (7th), 15 up a 1 in 15 (6th) and anything between 8mph and 12 mph up a 1 in 6 or less (but never lower than 4th gear). The only time I ever go below 4th gear is when I am behind a stopped car at lights and dont want to put my foot down on the floor, so I 'dawdle' in 3rd.
Downhill on the same route I usually end up at about 22-27 mph, depending on what cadence I want to 'train' at, as I am past the gear range, but it is fun
Every regular cycle commuter at work who has tried my bike (including the people who tried my Twist) thinks it thinks it really is a step change in the technology, with a number of the committed regular cyclists who originally asked me "isnt that cheating" asking me on pricing,Cost Of Ownership over the life of the bike, e.t.c. and actually considering (discussing with me) electric for themselves. For these people, I have gone from being an eccentric oddity to amuse a bit, to a transportation revolutionary - although not quite a Che Gavera (lol), which I have to say I prefer

although really I dont care
that much (it wouldnt change any of my decisions).
They see the Pro Connect for what it is, a power assisted bicycle, that does
exactly that, it
assists the rider, it doesnt really compensate for him like a we would expect an ebike would.
When you are 'in the zone' on the Pro-Connect, flying at 20mph, all you can hear is the "sscchhooooo.." of the rubber on the tarmac, and you simply eat up the miles. I used to get passed regularly on my Twist, its only happened once on this bike, and that was by a true road bike, the rider carrying his usual "tiny strapped purse" on his back for fear of weight, and even then I think if I had of put my foot down I could probably have taken him (there was a 1 in 10 approaching, but it was humid tonight,let him off till next time).
The Pro Connect diamond frame bike
is a marvel. I find it hard to convey exactly how good it feels to move so fast so easily, and have such a responsive bike in your hands, it just makes it all so simple.
As yet no punctures, so Ive not had to perform my road side repairs. But seeing as I have had no less than
5 punctures in my M+ on my Twist in the last year (a record I believe), I dont think they will be long acoming
Handlebars - At first my hands went to sleep, and I thought that I was on the verge of Carpal Tunnel syndrome (maybe I still am anyway), however I have found that by ensuring that the bar grips are higher that the bar middle (american chopper style ish ish), its fine, no trouble.
Overall I just cant really think of anything bad about it. It a great bike, really it truly is. I am 40 years old, weigh 15st, am not fit, have a day job in an office 10.5 miles-ish from home, and this bike is a car replacement, it forces me to exercise, is environmentally friendy, and it makes me feel good; what more can you ask.
Just my own opinion, of course.
(burncycle - you are not alone) 