Another total twerp."Global Boiling" disappeared, along with EV range. Are Batteries terminally damaged by low temperatures? No warranty at 0% batt! :-(
I'm just about to go out in my EV although it ia zero degrees outside at the moment. In my former ic cars that would be a miserable experience for a few miles, but with its instant heating to 22 dgrees C, it's pleasant in my EV as I drive smugly to my destination.
Nor does all that heat have to come from my battery, since the car like all EVs has two climate control timers, one of which I have preset to this usual going out time and day, preheating from the mains charger that the car is plugged into. And for when that isn't convenient, its heating can be switched on remotely from a smartphone.
That twerp like all the others of his ilk needs to learn the facts. EVs are not the exact equivalent of ic cars, they have a number of distinct advantages and a number of equally distinct disdvantages. No different from any of our technologies, we simply live according to those. Simple.
The largest take up of EVs in the world by far is in Norway which straddles the arctic circle and is going totally EV from next year. Strange how they've managed ok f or years with EVs but according to that twerp the Canadians cannot.
No way would I ever want to go back to the miseries of winter IC car ownership.
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