Powered pedal cycle in collision


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 1, 2007
Peterborough, UK

My deepest sympathies; my thoughts go out to you.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
"He died in my arms at 7.16 pm."

Truly, the saddest words I've read.


I am so sorry to read of your loss. Please accept my sympathies and condolences. I was particularly saddened to read that you had the added distress of reading inaccurate and sloppy news reporting of Richard in the South West media. Do not think it a step too far, to consider putting in a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission. You're entitled to an apology.

With kind thoughts,
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Jun 9, 2008
Covas, Ferrol. La Coruña. Spain
Jeanette: you don´t know me but please believe me when I tell you how sorry I feel for your loss and how angry I feel when I read about the media version of the accident. It seems that local wannabe reporters are all the same everywhere.... Give them a hard time!
Kind regards, Poppy, from Spain.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007
Oh my goodness Jeanette, I am so sorry for this horrible loss and I wish, in my inadequate and helpless way, that I could make it better. I can't.

I had a bad feeling from the start having remembered that you were in St Agnes from the Pedelec's Map but I hoped there was no connection when I wrote my first message on this thread.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us the truth. I hope you can find a future worthy of the love that is so evident in your writing.

Kind regards,

Struan Hellier


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Bless you Jeanette
I am so sorry for your loss and the inaccurate news coverage by the press.
I know you don't know me but my thoughts are with you at this very sad time.
Take care
Kindest Regards
Mandy x

Jeanette Morgan

Nov 29, 2006

Dear Everyone,

Thank you all so very much for what you have all said it does help to read good words, rather than incorrect press.

I have discovered a little more from people actually on the scene and it would appear that Richard wobbled slightly and fell slowly to the ground, which fits strongly with a stroke whilst on the bike, the delivery van being a professional driver, drove up past Richard and positioned his van on Richard's side of the road, beyond him to protect him from traffic coming down the road. The other vehicle mentioned positioned itself the other end of Richard to stop any traffic coming up the road. The rest is history.

The delivery van driver has complained to the press council as he is not happy that they said he collided with a cyclist. The Exeter Police media people rang my local police and because of the situation I am to "try" to do a background article which will be submitted through the police to the press, apparently the press are not then allowed to alter the facts then. Maybe they will not even print it, however, at least I'd have taken some action.

An inquest has been opened and adjourned pending brain tissue results, the Coroner's post mortem is leaning strongly toward natural causes whilst on the bike but I now have to wait til the results are all in and the inquest is heard. However, in the meantime Richard was released and I shall be able to see him more rested in the Chapel of Rest next Wednesday. His funeral is on the 16th.

Whilst I cannot imagine I shall ever ride my bike again, I, to my surprise, take pleasure in looking at a picture I have had for a couple of years of a deserted beach with sand dunes, a beach hut and two old fashioned cycles leaning against the hut, it is somehow comforting that we had this last year of exploring and going aorund the country lanes etc.

That's all for now, not sure when I'll log on again

Thanks once again, and take good care and enjoy what you do, you never can tell when your time may be up, or how it will happen. I do not, however, blame cycling - how could I.



May 23, 2007
Nr. Newquay, Cornwall

I do not, however, blame cycling - how could I.

I can only echo everyone's heartfelt sympathies on your terrible loss. I hope in time you will be able to take comfort from the fact that Richard was doing something he loved and that the fact he had chosen to use the bike on this day probably saved him and you from the further trauma of a car crash possibly involving others.

We live close to you in Newquay and had always hoped to meet you under better circumstances but if there is anything we can ever do to help you, either now or in the future, please do contact us. I will PM you our email address which we check regularly.

All our best wishes,

Brodie & Julie