There's no temperature sensor that I can see. After over-current switch-off, the BMS normally switches back on by itself. That leaves low cell detected. I think my next step would be to spray some contact cleaner on the multi-pin connector and work it a few times, then put it all back together and pray.
While it's apart, you could check which way the switch works. I think off is on. If so, pull the plug off the BMS and run it without the switch to eliminate it as a possible cause. If everything is OK afterwards, reconnect it and try again. that will show whether it's the switch or the connector.
If the cut-outs continue after cleaning the connector and eliminating the switch, the problem is going to be something deeper and more difficult to solve. It could be a faulty BMS or a bad cell weld. For testing, you can bridge the negative wires to bypass the BMS completely, then run your bike for a bit and check the cells again. If there's a faulty weld, you should see a difference in the voltages. I would expect to see at least some difference now if a weld were faulty, so I would gamble on the fault being elsewhere .
It could also be an intermittent short or bad joint on a sense wire. Have a good look at them while you have access.
While it's apart, you could check which way the switch works. I think off is on. If so, pull the plug off the BMS and run it without the switch to eliminate it as a possible cause. If everything is OK afterwards, reconnect it and try again. that will show whether it's the switch or the connector.
If the cut-outs continue after cleaning the connector and eliminating the switch, the problem is going to be something deeper and more difficult to solve. It could be a faulty BMS or a bad cell weld. For testing, you can bridge the negative wires to bypass the BMS completely, then run your bike for a bit and check the cells again. If there's a faulty weld, you should see a difference in the voltages. I would expect to see at least some difference now if a weld were faulty, so I would gamble on the fault being elsewhere .
It could also be an intermittent short or bad joint on a sense wire. Have a good look at them while you have access.