I can see your point, but in a hub motor, heat has to pass through two air interfaces before it can reach the outer hub surface, whereas crank drive coils can radiate directly to air through the casing. Also, there is good contact to the frame for heat conduction over a larger surface.The hub-motor is spinning relative to the air, so it's like fan-assisted cooling, and it has a much bigger surface area to lose the heat from.
The surface area of an exposed on one side crank motor is 2piRL + piRR. For a hub motor it's 2piRL + 2piRR.
A BBS01 is about 4" dia and 4" long, and a typical 350w hub motor is 7" dia and 4" wide
That gives 62.8 sq ins compared with 241.9 sq ins. That's a massive difference, and when that hub-motor's surface is moving through the air much faster, it can probably shed about 8 times as much heat.
This guy calls hub motors "toast in a toaster"
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