I received a demand from my insurance company wanting to know why I hadn't notified an alleged accident involving my car a few miles from my home.
I had been in no such accident, but although the driver name given wasn't mine, the make, model, colour and registration number of the car was mine, and those details were taken in the presence of a police officer. Potentially a difficult situation, though my new car is unmarked and has had no repairs and was not on the road and locked in my garage on the day in question.
Pedelecs and e-biking to the rescue though. On that day I had made 20 postings through to just after midnight, so a printout of the summary of my postings showed gaps insufficient for me to have been anywhere the alleged accident location with two exceptions.
I'm currently doing some long term testing for two manufacturers and am logging all my journeys on a written record card. Looking back through the entries shows cycle rides of 17.2 miles filling the early morning gap in postings, and 23 miles filling the late afternoon gap. So that was the whole day taken care of. Not absolute proof of course, but a very convincing alibi which would be extremely difficult to fake.
So pedelecs and e-biking has some unexpected benefits as well as the obvious ones.
Using false number plates has become a common offence in London now, the cost of the congestion charge being £8 a day so around £2000 a year for a regular making the offence tempting. Using the number from the same make and model of course makes a stop by the police unlikely, so that's the usual dodge.
I had been in no such accident, but although the driver name given wasn't mine, the make, model, colour and registration number of the car was mine, and those details were taken in the presence of a police officer. Potentially a difficult situation, though my new car is unmarked and has had no repairs and was not on the road and locked in my garage on the day in question.
Pedelecs and e-biking to the rescue though. On that day I had made 20 postings through to just after midnight, so a printout of the summary of my postings showed gaps insufficient for me to have been anywhere the alleged accident location with two exceptions.
I'm currently doing some long term testing for two manufacturers and am logging all my journeys on a written record card. Looking back through the entries shows cycle rides of 17.2 miles filling the early morning gap in postings, and 23 miles filling the late afternoon gap. So that was the whole day taken care of. Not absolute proof of course, but a very convincing alibi which would be extremely difficult to fake.
So pedelecs and e-biking has some unexpected benefits as well as the obvious ones.
Using false number plates has become a common offence in London now, the cost of the congestion charge being £8 a day so around £2000 a year for a regular making the offence tempting. Using the number from the same make and model of course makes a stop by the police unlikely, so that's the usual dodge.