Other E-bike riders


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 9, 2010
Since I got my Kudos, I've only ever saw one other e-bike and that was a man travelling from his work a couple of times. I've seen plenty of other cyclists when I'm out on my bike but never another e-bike. Are there any other e-bike riders here from the Flakirk/Grangemouth area?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2011
East Sussex
I must admit that I do look hard for other E-Bikes when I'm out and about. To date I have seen one Kalkhoff going very slowly and that's about it.

The only other occasion was when I was driving and saw what looked like a Wisper. It was black and was doing a steady 16 mph with no peddling, but then it was gone.

I do wonder if the marketing for E bikes is correct. Saving the planet is a very nebulous benefit, and the potential money savings are blown out the water by replacement battery costs.

I ride E-Bikes because it's bl**dy good fun, and that's why I bought one. Perhaps if this angle was more emphasised there might be more sales. To the uninitiated, colleagues think my electric bicycle is some form of aid for alternatively abled people, often accompanied with ribald comments of "does it have somewhere to stash your walking stick?" and "is the catheter included?" and are quite stunned when they see it looks nice and sporty, has a plethora of red flashing lights on the controller, and is actually quite fast, surprisingly practical, and really good fun.

But then, perhaps it is me that's the weirdo?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 29, 2008
Nottingham, UK
I see several round the Nottingham area. I've seen a couple of Aliens, a Kalkhoff, several unknowns, plus someone at my work has recently got an 8FUN with the bottle battery. It probably helps that we have a dedicated ebike shop in Nottingham, but I've really only started seeing them on the road in the past 2 years.

Petrol costs maybe? When it replaces a car, the battery costs are negligible compared to the savings.


Apr 2, 2011
I have only ever seen one other ebike rider - and he contacted me for a go on mine as he was considering buying a leccy bike. I know he went on to buy a second hand Raleigh Dover but we haven't had any contact since then.


Oct 6, 2011
I've seen one crazy lady on an Alien Pulsar.... oh wait, that was my wife...
Nope, not a single Lecbike seen by me in Ipswich...


Feb 7, 2011
West Lothian
Since I got my Kudos, I've only ever saw one other e-bike and that was a man travelling from his work a couple of times. I've seen plenty of other cyclists when I'm out on my bike but never another e-bike. Are there any other e-bike riders here from the Flakirk/Grangemouth area?
Not quite the Falkirk / Grangemouthg area, I'm in Livingston. I commute into Edinburgh on the Union Canal towpath, mostly from Hermiston Park and Ride (15mile round trip) , sometimes from home (35mile round trip).


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 2, 2011
I also saw some in Nottingham. The centre is much more bike friendly. In about 9 months I think I've seen about 4 that's about it. More rare now due to the weather.

Still see the same couple of guys going into Birmingham and back out. But on normal pedal powered bikes. If only they knew about electric bikes.

There a mega tool for commuting if you can hack the weather saving a small fortune everyday. Crank them up speed wise to 20mph and they become hideously addictive and fun.
I seriously love mine and its nothing special.


Oct 8, 2011
Its the same here in Shrewsbury,i think e.bikes should be marketed as liesure/fun things like segways in the USA,but the main drawback is the lack of e.bike dealers on the high st.,why not use the media to advertise e.bikes,like, tv, magazines,papers etc.I also feel that some manufacturers are now producing bike that are too complicated and expensive,what we need is a basic Morris 1000 type of bike,and why not SLA batteries?,i would sooner pay £70 for a set of batteries than £300,once you get into the £1000 pound area for a e.bike alot of people will go to their nearest motor scooter dealer and get a 50cc bike for about £1500 or less.Would like to hear from the likes of Kudos on this,as i feel they are more tuned in to the customer wanting a more basic machine for fun/liesure,i keep going on about the fun aspect of e.bikes but i know of very few Brits who,at 06.00 in the morning in the winter months would swap a nice warm car for any bike,myself inc.,but given a nice sunny day i'm out there on the bike.


Sep 8, 2010
Bath, UK
I've seen very few in the Bath area which, given that the city centre is in a bowl surrounded by hills illustrates the ebike's lack of profile as this should be a natural habitat. However at this time of year cycling of any kind is a challenge and I am ashamed to admit I have bottled it as far as my regular commute is concerned. There is a very fast and utterly dark downhill section on my way home where I know the edge of the road to be badly damaged (this is the A367) so I have to ride in the middle of the road into a sharp bend at the bottom. I have come to the realisation only this week that this is TOO SCARY for me to want to do on a regular basis and with the shortest day only 3 weeks away I have decided to use the car until the evenings become a tad lighter into the new year; it's either that or invest £100+++ in top-line ights, and Christmas is a-coming. So I wouldn't be too surprised if you don't see many ebikes around for a few weeks now because I was totally gung-ho until this Monday. Pathetic, really...


Aug 24, 2007
hi,i travel from hamilton to glasgow 9 miles on my modified giant lafree(1000w front hub motor)

my workmate lives in falkirk and goes to glasgow on his front hub homemade bike 26miles each way.(its the gigantic 800w with regen golden motor)not as good as my bike motor.the regen has a slower top speed.i can hit 30mph.his only 24mph.but the regen braking is excellant.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 22, 2010
I see a few here in Grantham, don't know what makes, mostly ridden by older people like myself. We were in Lincoln the other day and saw a few there as well.
Can't wait to get mine back on the road, its just nice to get out when the weather is nice like it is today. I had to walk 3 miles to an appointment yesterday as the buses didn't add up! Mind you I don't mind walking and the exercise is good.


Jan 31, 2010
Maybe not Falkirk area but I am in Perthshire and don't see any electric bikes there either. Caravan a bit in Edinburgh and see a few Giant Lafree etc on site there. Lovely off road cycle paths in Edinburgh but don't see any on the paths to the water of Leith, Union Canal, Ratho, Forth Bridge etc They are great fun and should be promoted more for leisure.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 2, 2011
I never know if its because i'm looknig or if they are getting more popular.
done the commute today unassisted and its was a proper ball ache.

Tonight i'm going home on full tilt. Forgot how much slower hills are without electric assistance.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 14, 2008
Hertfordshire and Bath
I've seen very few in the Bath area which, given that the city centre is in a bowl surrounded by hills illustrates the ebike's lack of profile as this should be a natural habitat.
As a matter of fact, it was seeing an elderly gent going up a hill in Bath some years ago that sowed the seed for my own eventual purchases. I had never heard then of such machines, but it struck me that they were ideally suited to the city's topography. I spend a lot of time in Bath, and must admit that I find some of the hills just outside a bit taxing, even with electric help!

I have seen rather more e-bikes in Bath than in Hertfordshire (I think the grand total spotted in 3 years in Herts. is about five); I probably see about one a day. And of couse Powabyke have their HQ there; they let me try out various of their models when they were based in Wood Street in the centre.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 19, 2009
Ebikes are swarming to Warrington. I saw at least three today. I think they may be atracted to the lunatic cyclepath scheme ...
Can I load pictures from Picasa to this forum?

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2009
Ebikes are swarming to Warrington. I saw at least three today. I think they may be atracted to the lunatic cyclepath scheme ...
Can I load pictures from Picasa to this forum?

Upload pics via an external pic sharing site. I use Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

link to a pic
upload to your account then click on the 'direct link' link next to the pic you want to post. Them click on the world sitting on a chain link icon in your reply window in this forum and Paste it in here. Done!
If you want to add your own caption when hovering over the pic change the second occurance of the link address to your text like this:
.......jpg"]add your own caption [/URL]

Like this pic of my opened up 20Ah ebay battery that is really only 12Ah from my account there:
my ebay crappery- er, battery

to include the pic in your post use the icon like a framed picture between the envelope and the film strip (hover over it says insert image). I think your limited to certain pic formats as some are excessively big, use jpg. Remember that posting pics forces people to see them if they read your email and can slow things down for mobile broadband, pay as you go, and can take some time for slow connections so try and use more judiciously for limited interest things. Adding a link gives your reader the choice to look at your pic if they find it interesting or useful.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 14, 2008
Hertfordshire and Bath
Erm, I just get this message when I click on your link:
"Page not found
But now that you're here, go ahead and search through the billions of photos, images and videos on Photobucket."

That could take a while!