OT: Samsung loses smartphone battle with Apple in US


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
Hot off the press... anyone who has been following the long-standing rivalry and legal battle between the South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung and Apple for dominance over the smartphone market in US might be interested in this latest twist...it seems Apple has prevailed over Samsung in the US at least (Apple's UK and Korean patent and copyright infringement claims were rejected), with an extraordinary $1 billion damages award and the right to block Samsung products from the US market!

Samsung is appealling but says its a major blow for the consumer and will mean less smartphone devices and competition in future...

Samsung's response to the ruling is amusing, at least they haven't lost their sense of humour:

"unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners".

BBC News - Apple awarded $1bn in damages from Samsung in US court
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Oct 25, 2006
Yes, I heard this at midday, and like you, loved the Samsung response. It was very true too, the American try every trick in the book to dominate in any new sphere and don't hesitate to play dirty. I still remember their attempt to take full rights ownership of the human genome, effectively wanting to play God over the human race.

Given the growing strength of the emerging markets and economies, the fact that the USA is far less than 5% of the world population and the horrendous US debt position, I think Samsung should refuse to pay, not care about the US market and publicise this treatment by the USA. The result could be Apple losing out, since for example, they've just lost any prospect of my owning any product of theirs.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 20, 2012
the Cornish Alps
My Samsung Galaxy Note is the best thing since sliced bread :)

But, of course, Apple have pronounced it irrelevant as no tablet with a screen size of 7" or less is of any practical use.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
Apple are just jealous as the Samsung Galaxy S2 ...and also the S3 now.....are WAY better phones than the iPhone :)

Im just sorry that I had to get the iPod last year.....I do love it though, but I would never contemplate an iPhone ever !

Another thing Ive noticed is that when I 'dare' to download tunes from , say, amazon, my iPod goes into total obnoxious grumpy mode and can sometimes make it so difficult it can take HOURS before it finally gets there, whilst buy from iTunes and, amazingly, its there in seconds :mad:

Lynda :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 27, 2009
Cambridge, UK
I got my daughter to finally shift from an iPhone to a Galaxy 2. My wife also has one. I saw someone at work who showed me their Galaxy 3 and very nice it was too :)




Oct 2, 2011
Samsung will probably go to somewhere in Asia pursue Apple and win it all back via their legal system



Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
Samsung will probably go to somewhere in Asia pursue Apple and win it all back via their legal system

Yeah Apple better watch out, this battle may be won but the war is not over as they say... Samsung is an angry tiger now and a much larger company than Apple. In South Korea and across Asia it's a very powerful company indeed by all accounts...it's bigger than the South Korean government and has close connections with the government..Losing the US market will be a major blow to Samsung as it's probably the biggest and most important consumer market. In Europe, Samsung will have no problems though doing competition with Apple where Apple can't rely on manipulating governments :)

I think it's crazy that the US government/courts can put a ban on Samsung imports of smartphones though from Europe.. that really will close the door to the US market for Samsung via Europe...but it's also denying American consumers the choice.
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Time to confess, I have divided loyalties here, my Samsung Galaxy S2 is just great and I have come to rely on it....probably too much.

I was one of those who was never going to give up my good old reliable Nokia 6310i because I saw no need for a smartphone....until I got one.

I have also advised several people intent on buying an iPhone to opt for the S2 and converted a couple of die hard iPhone 4 owners, they now both have the S3.

But when it comes to computers, I just love my iMac, in fact I am blowing kisses to it right now:eek:

So there you have it, I'm addicted to gadgets, but at least they are cheaper and less harmfull than alcoholism or class 'A' drug addiction.....aren't they:eek:

B.T.W. what the heck is this thread doing here Morphix?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
The judge was biased and the jury was bought or fixed, in my opinion. Funnily enough, it's also the opinion of a few others with no axe to grind.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
B.T.W. what the heck is this thread doing here Morphix?
Note the "OT" (off-topic) in subject ;-) I'm a gadget freak like yourself and I know this forum is full of them ...the Samsung Galaxy smartphones are popular for use on e-bikes with the speedict product so I thought it of interest and a topic worthy of some discussion... I doubt this legal ruling in US will affect us in UK or Europe in terms of Samsung pulling out of the smartphone market completely, but who knows, they may commit less in R&D and bring out fewer products if they can no longer count on the US market.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 24, 2010
The judge was biased and the jury was bought or fixed, in my opinion. Funnily enough, it's also the opinion of a few others with no axe to grind.
I would tend to agree..I think Apple just carries too much economic and political clout in US for Samsung to get a fair hearing... there's also the strong patriotism thing in US that enters things like this...Americans are happy to rally around a US brand and corporation against what they see as a hostile foreign company...even if it means less consumer choice (kinda dumb)... it's funny how the UK courts dismissed Apple's case right away. Any way you look at it the courts ruling was not in the interest of consumers, it was in the interests of Apple. It's like a form of protectionism and could have far reaching implications for other manufacturers and other products.
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Note the "OT" (off-topic) in subject ;-) I'm a gadget freak like yourself and I know this forum is full of them ...the Samsung Galaxy smartphones are popular for use on e-bikes with the speedict product so I thought it of interest and a topic worthy of some discussion
When I wrote "B.T.W. what the heck is this thread doing here Morphix?, I really meant in this section rather than the charging post;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
When I wrote "B.T.W. what the heck is this thread doing here Morphix?, I really meant in this section rather than the charging post;)

Probably because lots more people will read the thread here rather than in the Charging Post.......

.and I think we were ( well, some of us ) kinda having what I call a "duvet day " yesterday, chilling out and going off topic on a few threads.....narrow boats.....spiders......apple.....gas attacks etc.......whilst YOU of course were very busy....... :D :D

Lynda :)