Due to the high failure rate for the impulse2 motors, first I listet all failures in a google table, some of you know it.
Now I startet a new project to show and compare the reliability of the different middrive systems. I uploaded my new webpage
www.pedelecmonitor.de this week and hope, lots of people will help and send their mileage and repairs.
Sorry in advance, i only installed the google website translator for you and the french people. Hope the information is clear and you understand everything.
The idea:
Register your bike, so that I know what type and since when you ride it.
Send your mileage with date either weekly, monthly, whenenver ...
Send your repairs with the date and the mileage and additional infos to the failure, if you know.
Thats it.
Monthly I will generate the statistics. And I hope we will reach a kumulative mileage of more than 100.000 mls this year.