As your bike only has 16" wheels, it's unlikely to do much more than the legal restricted speed. The motor/wheel size is the restricting factor, not any software restriction.
Hi! Newbe to the forum here. I also have a Onebot S9. It actually has 20" wheels. It is speed limited to 25km/h, but I'm in Canada and was wondering if there is a way of increasing the limit to the 32km/h allowed in North America. I was reading another thread on programming the Onebot S6. I looked at the S9, and things are similar, but not the same. The thread on the S6 mentioned plugging a white and a black wire together on the motor controller. The controller in the S9 also has two connectors that are left unplugged. One wire is white liket the S6, but the other connector has two wires on it, a red and an orange one. After powering up, pressing the + and - buttons on the LCD display for 3 seconds puts the ebike into setting parameters, just like on the S6. P0 doesn't do anything, P1 sets the display to either km or miles, P2 looks like the wheel size in inches, P3 has three settings that I have no idea what they are, and P4 can be set to 0 or 1, and again, I have no idea what P4 is for. From the thread on the S6, it seems the S6 does not have a P4 setting. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!