Oldtimer entering the forum

Jos de Groot

Just Joined
Oct 5, 2017
Delden, Netherlands
Having communicated with your distinghuished member mr. Tony Fleccia back in 2007
on several aspects of the Giant Lafree Twist Lite bike, I came across Tony's name
again in your forum.
It's a pleasure to note that he's very much alive and active in many fields.
Hello Tony ! As a result of your in-depth review of the Twist and your detailed
tests on the Kalkhoff Agattu bikes, both my wife and I are riding these bikes
now for some 6 years to our satisfaction.
Hopefully this forum and yourself will be able to provide some more advice
on these bikes in the near future. Best wishes to all of you ! Jos de Groot.



Oct 25, 2006
Hi Jos, I remember you well from our past communication. It's good to hear that you are still actively e-biking on the Agattus with those trusty Panasonic motors. Unfortunately Kalkhoff have been going though a bad patch with unreliability of the Impulse motors that replaced the Panasonics, but they have now adopted Bosch motors as an alternative.

regards, Tony