No motor


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
Jeanette, batteries for Ezee bikes are only available from Ezee distributors, which in the UK is 50cycles. Batteries from any other source or intended for any other brand are unlikely to be suitable unless you have the technical skills to adapt them.


Oct 25, 2006
eZee 9Ah NiMh batteries are extremely difficult to get hold of for various reasons, one of which is the demand for them in the USA.

Nycewheels in the USA have them at $350, roughly £177 at today's favourable exchange rates, which using their shipping calculator I'd estimate would bring the cost to about £235 delivered. There could be customs charges etc on top of that though, and that would be the buyer's responsibility at this end, Nycewheels unable to indicate how much that might be.

The online site only accepts US and Canadian orders, ours must be emailed to them. They are a well known and reputable company and are used to supplying Europe, and we have members who have bought bikes from them.

50cycles have eZee Li-ion batteries that they can supply from stock at £250 post free.
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