Deleted member 4366
Motors spin at a maximum speed, which depends on the battery voltage. No controller setting or anything else can change that. Your motor is 195 rpm at 36v. If you do the calculation to convert the circumference of a 26" wheel at 195 rpm, you'll see that it comes to a bit below 15 mph; however, your battery is working at about 41v when fully charged, so you get an extra 1 mph.That's right wheel size it is a good looking bike but was told I could bypass speed limiter ???
You can test if you're motor limited or controller limited by charging up the battery, lift the wheel off the ground and spin up the motor to maximum speed (use first gear). Make a note of what it is. then go out for a long ride to flatten the battery to somewhere below half-way down, then do the test again. If the speeds are identical, you're limited by the controller. If the second result is a lower speed, you're limited by the motor.