Awol: Thanks for feedback on this motor and providing the links. I've been googling this motor YTW-06 and this is the only thread that came up, which obviously branched into 2 other threads not picked up by google. Now everything is linked up for also for others interested in this motor.
The motor is primarily for wife/youths as I dont expect the power enough for my 100kg, although it would be nice if it can puil me up not so steep hills without overheat or breaking down, maybe by using a 12S batttery like you tried. How's that 12S been working out so far? Probably not a good idea for long term durability if motor is making much noise?
d8veh: My first post and getting reply from THE man when it comes to small/medium hub motors and general e-bike stuff. Not bad, although it seems like you can answer all threads everywhere! I'm hugely impressed!
I'm at the moment in a dialog with Bonnie, and I'm trying to figure out if at least one of their products can fit my needs. My plan was for the 2-sp XD, but the extra width and the fact that I don't have long steep hills, and your posts about the Q128H 36V 201rpm at 48V, led me into thinking that would be best for me. But I do want to make a deal with Bonnie as she's been so helpful, and you don't get that customer care elsewhere from China that I know of.
So the main issue is the lack of hall sensors, and the resulting noise/lag from sq-wave controllers, right? I must say that might be a show-stopper if you think Q100 might do a (much) better job. Have you asked Bonnie why they left out hall-sensors and if they consider to put some in (if that's doable with current design)? I would assume they would listen to respected testers like you, if you gave some advice about what would make their products more attractive to Western markeds.
About a more powerful motor they have the YTW-05, but it is not mentioned anywhere so it is probably best to go with a Q128H?