New Test For Immigrants.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
According to sky news today, the goverment is introducing a new multi choice test this year. Instead of concentrating on everyday life in Britain, the new test is more slanted in favour of British culture and history, with a a pass mark set at 75%. Some of the questions are not easy, I admit that I could not answer all of them.
Personally, I feel that we are already overwhelmed with immigrants. For the sake of simplicity, I would propose a new test consisting of just two questions.

1. How many people attended the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games?

2. Please list their names, ocuupations, addresses , and telephone numbers.:eek:


Jun 1, 2011
What has this got to do with electric cycles and may I suggest that you keep your opinions regarding immigrants to yourself.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
@Geezee74. This section of the forum is for matters not connected to ebikes. My post was not racist, as I did not name a particular race. I have every right to express my opinions on any subject. You do not have to agree with them, or even read them. Last time I looked, we still had freedom of speech, allegedly.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Immigration is a hot topic now, I don't see why Neptune has to do an "Emperor's clothes Act"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2012
Boston lincs
In view of any controversy that I may have generated, I feel the need to say a few words about my opinions on immigration. Every day, I meet and interact with immigrants. It would be very difficult not to, as in the town where I live, I am a member of an ethnic minority, namely, the English. I have friends who are immigrants. I treat people as they treat me, and am never rude or unpleasant to people because of their origins.
In spite of all this, there comes a time to limit immigration. If we do not, then this small island that is our home is in danger of sinking into the sea, due to the shear weight of humanity. My views are shared by many politicians, plenty of ordinary people, and indeed some immigrants. Not everyone will agree with me, and I defend their right to express their opinions, just as I reserve the right to express mine. The joke I made in my first post was perhaps in poor taste, but it was just that, a joke. In the words of Forrest Gump, " That is all I have to say about that."


Oct 25, 2006
What has this got to do with electric cycles and may I suggest that you keep your opinions regarding immigrants to yourself.
Neptune posted in the forum shown below, headed in this way:

Forum: The Charging Post

A place to recharge your batteries, meet new friends and talk about things not specifically related to electric bikes.

Although I very strongly disagree with that expressed opinion on this subject, he's entitled to express it there, whether humorously or seriously.


Trade Member
Jan 26, 2009
So I guess Voltaire would be excluded from tending to my Mother in her care home?

I would hope we can see the wood for the trees, often obfuscated by the need of the tabloid press to use up the forest.


Jun 1, 2011
Like Tom, I am unsure how long it takes to refer to 'this country' as ours. My great Grandad moved here at the turn of the century, so perhaps I should pack my wife and kids and move to Russia.
I cannot abide the arrogant attitude which allows people to believe they have a divine right to a country simply because they have had the fortune of being born in a country which is both well developed and wealthy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 30, 2012
South Coast
Are we not all residents of the one planet?

As far as I can see, it is nothing to do with being from a different country, more to do with the fact that any countries infrastructure and physical space can only accommodate a finite number of persons.

Overstep this finite limit an stresses occur.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 26, 2008
Do you feel aggrieved that you could not live in Australia or America if you wished , or do you just accept that is the way they run their countries.


Jan 17, 2010
Not to mention that far more of England´s problems (and the US, Germany, Spain, etc etc) are caused by the wealthy, than by poor immigrants. It is much easier for them to use their vast media control to point fingers at "others" to make the poor fight among themselves, when a poor white english-person has far more in common with a poor recently immigrated pakistani than they ever will with the neo-feudal-lords parading as policitians, bankers, and media owners.

mike killay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 17, 2011
Not to mention that far more of England´s problems (and the US, Germany, Spain, etc etc) are caused by the wealthy, than by poor immigrants. It is much easier for them to use their vast media control to point fingers at "others" to make the poor fight among themselves, when a poor white english-person has far more in common with a poor recently immigrated pakistani than they ever will with the neo-feudal-lords parading as policitians, bankers, and media owners.
Have you considered why those neo-feudal Lords etc. support immigration?
Just so they can get richer at your expense.
They take the profits, we have to spread even thinner the little we have.


Jan 17, 2010
Have you considered why those neo-feudal Lords etc. support immigration?
Just so they can get richer at your expense.
They take the profits, we have to spread even thinner the little we have.
The truth is more nuanced than "support immigration". If you meant, support bringing in foreigners who have only the barest of legal (if any) and social support, so they can get ultra cheap labor, sure yes, but if you mean support reasonable immigration policies that allow for immigrants to actually integrate, than no, they don't.

For example in the US, they want immigrants to come in illegally so they have no recourse when paid below minimum wage. In the UK, they want immigrants to come and work cheaply, but they don't want them to integrate, so they create an US vs THEM mentality among the rest of the proles so the immigrants have to live in the ****tiest neighborhoods and jobs, thereby depressing wages.

No country has "little" overall, it's only a "little" when you look at the division allowed to the 99%. If wealth inequality would be tackled in earnest, there would be more than enough to go around. Do you really think if magically every immigrant were gone tomorrow, that your wages would increase? Psshaw. Some new tactic would be invented to destroy wages of the working man so the fat cats on top could keep more of the pie.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 29, 2011
Och, up here in sunny Argyll the english immigration problem has yet to reach crisis proportions and they are generally treated with kindness and understanding as befits their "refugee" status. Most seem to be old and jobless but well enough off presumeably due to the treasure they have looted from the 'old country.' So long as they keep their morris dancing and fox hunting obsessions hidden away from public view, I for one find no harm in them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Like Tom, I am unsure how long it takes to refer to 'this country' as ours. My great Grandad moved here at the turn of the century, so perhaps I should pack my wife and kids and move to Russia.
I cannot abide the arrogant attitude which allows people to believe they have a divine right to a country simply because they have had the fortune of being born in a country which is both well developed and wealthy.
That's not what is being said and you very well know that to be the case. It's usual for people to use this or an acustation of racism to counter the fact that people are coming to this country having never paid a penny into any of its welfare, health or infrastructure, and then taking to the detriment of those who have sacrificed and contributed. So attractive is this seemingly bottomless pit of goodies that foreign nationals are prepared to engage in sham marriage, fraud and even life threatening activities to get here, often travelling through many other wealthier lands on the way.

The fact is, this country is a soft touch. It's also an overcrowded country and the population needs to be reduced. Hospitals, education, policing and just about every other service is overwhelmed and we are all paying for it through wage freezes, low interest rates, theft of pensions, quantitative easing and other covert theft of wealth.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
i would love to move to france, i wonder if they will throw in a five bedroom house,give me lots of benefits so that i can sit in it doing nothing with £25,000 plopping into my bank account annually (figures for example only) with free Nhs care while i have put nothing into their country,no particular race,colour or nationallity, just supposed people who the government say are adding to ours. I pay my taxes and get screwed for even more.I would gladly donate more to charity and good causes than i do if my country didn't treat me like a mug.
Even more so the brave soldiers who fight for our country loosing life and limbs who are screwed even more than i am.
Also the Nurses who are underpaid and overworked and are contsantly crucified if anything goes wrong.
Lets get the UK right before we give freebies to anyone who asks.....


Jan 17, 2010
I'm sure both of you can provide actual statistics for your claims of abuse, rather than daily mail articles. One would hate to think you were so angry over imagined slights.
