it says on the Gruberwebpage: 4,5 Ah / 30 V and 1000g light
sounds not much, but with the power-ASSIST (and not moped-like) drivestyle this should give 45min long FULL power (200Watt)
when considering how you drive such a bike (in the woods, offroad, up steep hills, down fast) 45min full assistant power sound very good to me
that should be enough for 1-2 hours of driving
and if you realy make a longer offroad tour: a second battery with only 1000g is easily stored in the Rucksack
you have to considere: this bike is made and used by competion-drivers
i think its not inteded to be used in a 200Euro bike from the next supermarket
you have also to considere: it was made by an Tyrolean...
with all that mountains here in Austria, 90% of Hubmotors in 26"-wheels are useless (or WAY to heavy to make fun riding offroad, jumping roots,...)
look at the bike on the Gruber-Homepage: for going onroad to-and-from work you don´t need a 1600 Euro bike with 100mm suspensiontravel

a Rock Shox Reba Race spork or a light 7005-alu frame
name me one electric-bike that makes as much fun going down a crushed stone road or driving a small alp-path than a light sub-15kg mountainbike without motor...
and i bet: closest you can come would be this gruber-assist so far...
i see only one alternativ bike in the moment:
the Optibike..
price ranges from
5000 US$ (Optibike 400, 400Watt continous)
13.000US$ !!!! (Optibike OB1, 850W continous)
the Optibike 400 with its 13ah 24V battery has about double as much energy on board as the Gruberbike with the 4,5Ah 36V batterypack..
couldn´t find the weigght of the Optibike 400, but the Optibike 600Li weights 22kg (and costs 8000 US$)
i think, when the Gruber-kit-price was around 1000-1200Euro it would be ok..
2000 is too high (at least for most... people who spend 200 euro into pedals because they are 50g lighter, and 5000Euro for a naked bike (without pedals

) -> for this people 2000Euro is also no problem)