NCM Venice Plus


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 27, 2020
New light came today so let’s get the old one off and have a look.

I’m not an expert but that may be my problem. As I have a spare light I may as well crack this one open and try to fix it I guess.

Opens up easily and once inside I can see that there is no strain relief at all bar a very narrow channel that doesn’t even come close to fitting this cable.
So the only thing holding the cable in place was the solder connections and this tiny patch of glue.

The unpopulated R+ and R- connectors are intriguing though. I test them out and they appear to be parallel with V+ and V- but only when the light is turned on so maybe I can wire in my spare 48V rear light? Everything seems to work when I test it so let’s solder things up and try it on the bike!

Not the finest soldering job I’ve ever done. That blob on R+ gets very close to the leg of that chip under the cap but I’m not too worried about creepage at 50V especially with all the hot glue I added (forgot to take a photo of this).

Added some more hot glue to the back to try and make sure there’s no stress on those joints.

It works!

Haven’t had a chance to try and install them on the bike yet because it is now pouring with rain outside.