Torq's problems
It is reassuring to see other owner's comments on Lithium batteries (although comments on Lithium are not hard to come by on this Forum).
It is not the way to go about solving a problem really, but I now have three Lithium Batteries so that I can keep their discharge levels at or below 50% on extended journeys of 30 miles or so. It is something of a weight to carry but I have adapted 2 Carradice panniers so that the 2 spare ones can be carried upright (rather than on the carrier top) distributing their weight evenly in a way that does not exaggerate the effect on the bike's centre of gravity.
Yes! I have 2 Sprints and had a Torq. I am surprised you have NONE of the problems described: the postings on the Forum and comments by our excellent expert Guru, Flecc, suggested that the problems were experienced almost universally. But then he did say that those Forum members who had Torqs were quite a small fraction of the total ownership population. Truth may be that many may have suffered in silence for the other benefits that the Torq brought, but sadly, not for me. The 'hand' that nature dealt me was not compatible with the Torq's finer attributes.hi i own 2 sprints and a torque ,the sprints are great ,the torque i got carried away with what i would call marketing sh-peal when it came out concerning its speed and new lithium batts "Tell me about it!" .I have none of the problems described,would i buy another one NO why £250 for a rubbish battery that only lasts 12 months,a battery which cuts off power when put under pressure,50 cycles need to reduce there lithium prices by about fifty per cent to make them viable or reintroduce m/hydride batts ,it seems only some electric bikes have difficulty in obtaining batts, is it a marketing ploy.1300m/hydride would be a step forward,until then my torque will be left to rot or get sold.
It is reassuring to see other owner's comments on Lithium batteries (although comments on Lithium are not hard to come by on this Forum).
It is not the way to go about solving a problem really, but I now have three Lithium Batteries so that I can keep their discharge levels at or below 50% on extended journeys of 30 miles or so. It is something of a weight to carry but I have adapted 2 Carradice panniers so that the 2 spare ones can be carried upright (rather than on the carrier top) distributing their weight evenly in a way that does not exaggerate the effect on the bike's centre of gravity.