--------------------------------------------------------------------------The latest Panasonic battery on the Kalkhoffs has the sleep mode facility Keith.
a lucky guess on my part eh..lol... however joking apart to know you are going to get a full two years minimum from your battery does then seem to sort of cut the costs as i think...mm 1500 for the bike divided by two is then only about 750...mmm dont sound half as bad looking at it that way does it...and of course i imagine a very good resale value too, although as they appear to be the best you can yet there would be no reason to part with one unless injury or old age stopped you useing it, then i imgine the only other reason would be something new appears that is considerably better... other then far better range there isnt an awful lot extra that i can think of...maybe the gearing so no modifications needed, but i dont think for my flat terrain i would need to fiddle with that either....if no vapourisation on saturday as mentioned in another thread and i win a good wedge of money on the lottery or on line poker i might get one...buy imagine the "SOLD OUT TILL FURTHER NOTICE" sign at their door and a long wait till a slow boat from germany twice round china till they arrived, at which point old gae might have hit me..lol...