So, I spent the morning lacing my q100c cst hub into a rim. No problems. However, when I put the wheel into the bike frame, it has seized up and won’t move forward or backward. At first I thought that the disc brake caliper needed adjustment... No, all good there, with plenty of clearance. I took the wheel out of the frame and put it back in my truing stand to take a look...., the wheel was very difficult to turn around the axle (the axle was absolutely free when I was lacing/truing the wheel). I plugged the motor into another bike and the wheel turns okay under power. I have put the wheel back in the bike frame and it is locked up completely. The cassette turns backwards fine, so no problem with the freehub body.
So, what has happened? Do I need to take the thing apart and hit something with a hammer, is is the hub just kaput? Or am I doing something really stupid.......
So, what has happened? Do I need to take the thing apart and hit something with a hammer, is is the hub just kaput? Or am I doing something really stupid.......