That badger didn't succeed at suicide. I couldn't find it afterwards. My wrist was crunchy, couldn't keep looking. Wild animals hide when hurt. Disconcertingly, it screamed with the voice of a small child as my front wheel hit. The horror. The horror. Beware of badgers all you cyclists you!I have hit an animal whilst driving, do I have to report it to the police?
Badgers get a mention for anyone with an interest.
Absolutely true. Look it up on Google.UK Dog Licences were ridded in 1988 - are you sure this is true? (Reporting to police any involvement of licensed animals.).
The thing to do with loose dogs is to carry a spare ball - then toss it so doggie chases it. Remind owner to use dog-leash in public place as they curse.
Looking it up it comes under section 170 of the Road Traffic Act.
Duty of driver to stop, report accident and give information or documents.
This section applies in a case where, owing to the presence of a [mechanically propelled vehicle] on a road [or other public place], an accident occurs by which—
(b)damage is caused—
(ii)to an animal other than an animal in or on that [mechanically propelled vehicle] or a trailer drawn by that [mechanically propelled vehicle]
(8)In this section “animal” means horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep, pig, goat or dog.
Is an EAPC a mechanically propelled vehicle? Probably not so doesn't apply.
Recklessly Run those dogs, horses and asses over and don't report without fear of prosecution.