MET Police looking out for ilegal e-bikes


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
the dwp make up there own laws and try to enforce them but wont wash at a tribunal because there full of shite and won in 9 mins and 2 member's of staff was sacked for gross misconduct :p
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Deleted member 33385

the dwp make up there own laws and try to enforce them but wont wash at a tribunal because there full of shite and won in 9 mins and 2 member's of staff was sacked for gross misconduct :p

How gross was their misconduct? o_O


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
they sanctioned me for not signing a 3rd party contract with a provider doing a confidence boosting course and the dwp said i was required under law to sign it when i done a mandatory reconsideration so took them to tribunal.

i even showed them a foi request that stated you dont have to sign any provider paperwork but carried on anyway as did not believe it pmsl.
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Deleted member 33385

So true. I've spent the great majority of my working life in some form of authority but am well aware of the dangers. Accordingly I deny any status and regard myself as just another ordinary person, always telling others that. Even in all my management jobs I expected staff to address me as Tony and they were told they could express themselves freely with no fear. In a mood and wanting to say I was an effing idiot they could so long as it was never in front of customers, and they did on odd occasions.

For example you and most in here have the title "Esteemed pedelecer", but I am only shown as Member, as ordinary as it can get. No-one else has that title so ironically it makes me special in the sense of unique, but I discount that.

Yes, I noticed that you're the only member.

Ours was a very aggressive profit oriented culture and I was a tyrant - an effective one. I regret not being liked anymore by many people I had regarded as friends, who I had worked alongside prior to my promotions - but to retain or advance your position, you had to ask very difficult questions, be ruthless and rout out problems to make more money for the company. I wasn't in my job to be liked. I ended up working 100 hour weeks for over a decade, travelling all over Europe sorting out entrenched inefficiencies that others had failed to, until I got a tumour. Then my life changed. Upper management didn't want to know that I needed almost a year off to recover from major surgery, so I left. I had expected too much of them, clearly. I didn't do much at all for a couple of years apart from growing veg in my garden. Part of what changes you is the intense added pressure and stress delivering what you are tasked. Stress is a killer. Now I work as hard as I want, or not at all. I'll be growing pumpkins again this year, runner beans, potatoes in clay soil (the best!), a zillion other crops. The weather in the UK has changed rather a lot - I may even try to grow a small vineyard... I'd hope that some of my remaining friends would say I'm nicer now.
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Deleted member 33385

they sanctioned me for not signing a 3rd party contract with a provider doing a confidence boosting course and the dwp said i was required under law to sign it when i done a mandatory reconsideration so took them to tribunal.

i even showed them a foi request that stated you dont have to sign any provider paperwork but carried on anyway as did not believe it pmsl.

Soundwave, you don't seem like the sort of person who's confidence needs boosting! It's brilliant that you won, I bet many people simply signed it without a challenge, out of fear. Fighting your corner takes a lot of guts sometimes. Whether you fight or not depends on what you can afford to risk losing. And how outraged you are.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
they dont care and just see you as a profit unit the course cost 1200 per person over 4 days and was 10 ppl per group so a nice little earner for them.
you either say no or you end up on this shite above and it never ends but the sheep keep signing there contracts!
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Deleted member 33385

they dont care and just see you as a profit unit the course cost 1200 per person over 4 days and was 10 ppl per group so a nice little earner for them.
you either say no or you end up on this shite above and it never ends but the sheep keep signing there contracts!

WTF?!?!?? The last thing you want is to be "Mindful" while sleeping! There is far too much unscrutinised private involvement in all government services in their effort to cut costs. It seems to be creeping in everywhere under the radar and all it does, is push higher costs to the poor.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

Deleted member 33385

i done the same crap 20 years ago, wtf does it even mean pmsl fkn brain rot lol

20 years ago? I thought you were younger than that!

It might have been part of a process to make you question everything you say and do, to fragment your personality: Divide And Conquer", much as cults do... in order to re-form you into something useful to them. Or simply leave you more vulnerable than you would have been and more programmable, to be further brainwashed at the next course.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.


Deleted member 33385

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.

That last pic did remind me of EST:

Yes, I did a course on NLP - it's a wonderful set of tools to make people buy things - they don't know they're the ones making the decisions. But people who are great at communication do it all naturally anyway. It's reverse Ericksonian hypnosis:

I don't think he did the stage act that made people peck about like chickens.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020
they dont care and just see you as a profit unit the course cost 1200 per person over 4 days and was 10 ppl per group so a nice little earner for them.
you either say no or you end up on this shite above and it never ends but the sheep keep signing there contracts!

WTF? How can they try to force this dangerous pseudo religious crap on people under threat of sanction? Well done for standing your ground.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
WTF? How can they try to force this dangerous pseudo religious crap on people under threat of sanction? Well done for standing your ground.
for lots and lots of money of course problem is no one stands up to them as to scared to get a sanction doubt raised and shouted at in the jcp for not doing as there told.

they send me hate mail because i wont listen to there bs pmsl.
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Deleted member 33385

WTF? How can they try to force this dangerous pseudo religious crap on people under threat of sanction? Well done for standing your ground.

It's weird that the Gov appears to be using such cultish methods. Anything which requires belief to work is b*llocks. Rather a lot of what's presented as NLP is actually a hodgepodge of New Age...stuff.... which has been kicking around since the 60s, relabelled and repackaged. The origin of NLP is based on hypnosis, but it doesn't inspire the happy clappy vague vibe that makes it easy to manipulate and inspire people onto more courses, hosted at expensive sunny resorts all over the world - one expensive venue after another, until their funds gone. It's a license to print money. The French have very strong opposition to cults and mind control, the UK Gov doesn't care.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 20, 2020

Deleted member 33385

I'm sure they give you a nice certificate to frame and hang on your wall after completing the course...

This is more likely to get people employed... for a short time. A real fake rather than a fake real:



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
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