Well the 40 mile range was referring to distance for starters, notice how i didn't write 40 mph?
Also ive been a cyclist for 36 years since i was 5 yrs old and don't need any lectures on safety.
I'm a strong believer in freedom of speech and im against the ever growing countless rules and regulations put in place to try and prevent my freedom of choice so this forum definitely isn't for me. "15 mph" lol
While there are some who take a self riteous approach to e bike regulations, speed and safety on forums, to the point of trolling in some cases, I don't think that this is the case with Neaths reply. its a piece of solid advice both for technical as well as safety reasons.
The regulations are almost irrelevant, the brake sensors act like the emergency kill switch on an engine. If the throttle jams you will not be in control of the bike, its even worse on a fast non legal bike. A crash and/or a wrecked motor are district possibilities, put it another way would you drive a car if there was a risk of the throttle jamming. The faster the bike the more important it is to fit brake sensors.
While I may be tempted to build a non regulation fast bike, I would never omit the brake sensors when fitting a throttle.
The fact that you have 36 years of experience in cycling is not entirely helpful, when it comes to E bikes you are a novice like most of us who come for advice on this forum. The summing up in you post shows your true level of knowledge and was fatuous and disrespectful of someone who was genuinely trying to help you.