But - - - - , lithium-air has a long journey to replace the batteries of yesteryear.
I remember many years ago when zinc-air promised the same miracles, but they've ended up just about good enough to power hearing aids!
Month after month for many years there's been these breakthrough predictions, but the miracles never happen, most vanishing without trace. The predictions keep the research grants rolling in though.
The only measure of success in batteries is when a type lasts more than a year or two of being on sale.
Until such a time when batteries like these become available, I cannot understand why you are not using A123 M1 cells! Peukerts constant of almost 1, and readily available now. I have two bikes with these batteries, and they perform, one bike has a Crystalyte 5 series motor that draws over 75 amps with minimal voltage sag.
lithium will be by the by soon enough, carbon nanotubes are already being tested and theyll kill all the current battery techs (oh and theyll probably kill silicon soon enough, or nanotubes cut into nanoribbons) ah nanoscale carbon, its the future! now all we need is a greener way to generate the power thats stored in em