@peterjd My mechanic partner says I'd better get an e-bike instead of converting mine - maybe to avoid the extra work that seems to be piling up for him (special sensor etc)? ; )
@Tony1951 Agreed about other drivers when it comes to safety concerns. Especially in Barcelona where there's not a long urban biking tradition. That's why I never take heavy-traffic streets (with or without kids), only bike lanes whenever possible, and if necessary I just step on the sidewalk and walk a bit.
@saneagle @Benjahmin @Nealh @matthewslack @guerney Thanks for all your contributions. I'll have a look at the different sites and models you're suggesting (and maybe I'll re-look the Swytch option), but the general sense I get is that converting a coaster brake, especially if one is taking extra weight, is not the best option in terms of safety and convenience. Which is a pity, because I do love my current bike : (
Suppose I go with converting my other bike (btw, not disc brakes but v-brakes, I made a mistake). Is there a particular kit (or motor, or battery) you'd recommend for being very light and suiting my need of having powered assistance only in some parts of my rides (the climbs)?
Thanks again for all your thoughts!!