Very valuable tips. And I'm not an expert or even a dedicated pedelec (yet) anyway, I'm still treating the push-bike (or rather, two push-bikes) as my main resource (the e-bike has just 180 miles on it since November). My point is that virtually all serious users will have a spare means of transport and aim to wear out the old one completely, while progressively relying on the new model more and more.One of today's better li-polymer batteries capable of 1100 charges over four years or so can result in as much as 30,000 to 40,000 miles travelled. One manufacturer is claiming 45,000 miles maximum for one of their battery sizes.
I'd conclude that it's the cycle parts that are the most likely to be troublesome and costly over the first two to four years, with chains, sprockets, brake pads, tyres and tubes needing to be replaced at least. Occasional spokes and bearings are other possibilities for replacements.
Even if you live in a tiny flat in the middle of the city, you either need a mechanic-wallah who can lend you a spare, or leave your spare at his place, bungied up to the ceiling out of his way.