License for bikes ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
Cyclists take advantage of the fact that they can be difficult to locate by riding against traffic, over junctions when red, on pathways and the rest. We all know what they do!
Plus I have seen some accidents, where they have hit pedestrians and put them in hospital, so a further requirement is of course 3rd party insurance! Another good thing.
Anyone who feels to be responsible for their own life and actions, should find it a good thing.....
I have nothing against it.

trevor brooker

Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2018
it will not work, as those who break the law will circumvent it anyway (false/stolen/duplicate number plates).
It could have been anyone who attacked the peer (roller skates/skateboard/hoverboard/mobility buggy) it just happened to be someone riding a bike.
The problem is a thug not a cyclist.
People need to be encouraged from their cars (to reduce pollution/gain exercise) & bureaucracy does the opposite.
For the handful of cases each year where cyclists have harmed people a national 3rd party insurance could be set up by government paid from fuel duties - say £1m from £30b

Barrio Barranco

Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 24, 2018
I've got 6 bikes....The police can't enforce what they currently should, what about cycle tourists from abroad too... The cycle industry will kick this out if it is raised. Unlike car drivers, most cyclists realise that a collision of any sort with anything will result in their own injury and suffering so most of us behave and self regulate!!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 12, 2019
What a strange story ? Lord Winston said, Quote > "She then kicked me repeatedly.” So he was attacked in the street but didn't defend himself ! and because of that you and I will have to be licenced.
Yep, that makes sense.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
It's not just bikesr/e bikes in general, today I was close passed as I walked along an FP by a guy on an e-scooter. I never heard him approach from behind at all and with no warning he shot by me at speed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
I agree with Daniel. Being a total ar***ole is a state of mind. What this woman did was common assault, already covered in law. Surely, in Bloomsbury, it will be on cctv.
The other issue is, as I understand it, cyclists have been told that it is OK for them to ride on the pavement (with due care) if they feel that they're threatened by traffic conditions. What were conditions like at the time? It's the type of fudge that leads to this kind of thing happening. He'd be far better off campaigning for a decent segregated cycling infrastructure.

Chris M

Dec 31, 2018
By the same token there should be license plates for dogs. I was bitten by one in the local woods and the owner just did a runner. If the dog had a license plate I could have sued the owner for compensation.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
ANPR will work with UK Bikes, just as it does for thugs driving cars! The Police even have software nowadays to help to pick out vehicles with cloned plates!
Remember, it will be all bikes, not just e-bikes, then the price per bike can be quite low as all the computers etc., are already in place for other road vehicles.
And if only one attacker, murderer or thief is caught each week, and it puts off many thugs stealing bikes, or for use as a getaway vehicle, I call that success!!
For visitors, it would be easy to allow them to use short term temporary number plates for their visit, or as some tend to fly here and rent, that will not be a problem, as they will be renting bikes with plates.
The idea of registering bikes has been around for a great many years, and anyone who has had a loved/expensive bike stolen, will be happy that their bike may more likely to be returned to them and the thief taken to task....The rider will checked out by the Police, before even stopping the they do with cars each and every day.
The UK is, as far as I am aware, front runner with ANPR!!
As it also is with street cameras!
I myself see more positive sides to this than negative.....Some here must stop their "ME ME ME" attitude and think farther afield than their own street or town.....
regards to all as its a great discussion for us here.....


Nov 16, 2018
It's not a case of Me Me Me, it's more to do with a whole community bearing the consequences for the action of one idiot, as others have said, this individual could just as easily been on a scooter, or jogging, or anything else, the fact that she happened to be on a bike is immaterial. She clearly has attitude problems, and should be identified and punished accordingly .
Don't tar us all with the same brush.


Oct 25, 2006
Number plates for all bikes has been tried elsewhere and has always failed and been dropped. There are too many problems, for example children of all ages ride bikes too and the law specifically excludes all under 16 from penalties for pavement riding.

And it is not illegal to ride bikes on pavements in the UK, it is specifically permitted when in fear of traffic. It is only illegal when it is done irresponsibly without due regard for pedestrians.

Lord Winston has increasingly gained a swollen head, thinking himself ubiquitous. He came to notice as a good surgeon, started to make TV programs on the subject and got a taste for the fame. Since then he's got himself involved in all manner of subjects to make programs or public pronouncements, obviously thinking himself an expert on everything.

In truth he's become an expert in making himself look a bit of a chump.
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Aug 28, 2017
UK - Wales - Monmouth
What a strange story ? Lord Winston said, Quote > "She then kicked me repeatedly.” So he was attacked in the street but didn't defend himself ! and because of that you and I will have to be licenced.
Yep, that makes sense.
What is even stranger is that just days before the incident Lord Winston had raised concerns about aggressive cycling in the House of Lords - and then he get 'attacked'. Bit too much of a coincidence if you ask me!

Hang on a minute, "Aggressive cycling in the House of Lords" !:D Nuff said!
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Oct 25, 2006
What is even stranger is that just days before the incident Lord Winston had raised concerns about aggressive cycling in the House of Lords - and then he get 'attacked'. Bit too much of a coincidence if you ask me!

Hang on a minute, "Aggressive cycling in the House of Lords" !:D Nuff said!
Indeed. A bit like the letters in local newspapers complaining about pavement cycling. The correspondents invariably claim to have seen many people knocked down on pavements, while in my long life, mostly in urban areas, I've never seen a single collision between a cyclist and pedestrian on a pavement.

Steve Bowles

Mar 23, 2018
St Leonards, England
The peer's suggestion is reasonable in theory, but as pointed out, would be difficult -- if not impossible -- to enforce in reality. I carry insurance; it's £20 a month, but it's cheaper than losing my home if I injure or kill someone by accident -- a 26kg bike (and 98kg rider) traveling at 15mph can do some damage to a human body if they suddenly occupy the same physical space. If the government mandated license plates on bikes I would go along. It would be a minor imposition.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 26, 2018
It's not a case of Me Me Me, it's more to do with a whole community bearing the consequences for the action of one idiot, as others have said, this individual could just as easily been on a scooter, or jogging, or anything else, the fact that she happened to be on a bike is immaterial. She clearly has attitude problems, and should be identified and punished accordingly .
Don't tar us all with the same brush.
Sadly, its not just one person breaking the law in many ways, its a lot of bikers....most unidentified and not brought to justice!
Some even pay with their own lives because of their own stupidity in not following basic Highway Code, rules of the road.....Though some of the video below is from other countries, but we all expect somewhat similar rules everywhere....
The bikers seem to expect all other road users to "avoid them", rather than following Highway Code, amazingly, many of the dumb ones also do not have any "protection" on, not even a proper helmet.
Furthermore, many bikers apparently believe that they are allowed to ride over zebra crossings, which is banned in most civilized countries, but bikers die every year not understanding exactly why!!
Other faults like driving FAR TOO close behind bikers and other vehicles. Often, a telephone in their hands as well.
Lights not switched on, especially at night, lack of rear view mirrors, not using the mirrors even if fitted, the list is endless.....
Rarely do you hear them using their bells to warn other road users of their presence, as in some of the videos:-

This one from Holland, a country with a really long history of bike riding, demonstrates clearly that bike riders are not careful enough:-

I think that the rules for bikers are long overdue for a shakeup, to both improve their safety and that of other road users.


Nov 16, 2018
I Don't think a shake up of the rules is needed, or would help. I haven't watched any of your above videos, but I can guess what happened .
It's just people being irresponsible idiots, they don't obey current laws or show respect to other road users anyway, so new laws would just be ignored as well.
What's needed is a 'shake up' of society, to change people's attitudes.
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Steve Bowles

Mar 23, 2018
St Leonards, England
I Don't think a shake up of the rules is needed, or would help. I haven't watched any of your above videos, but I can guess what happened .
It's just people being irresponsible idiots, they don't obey current laws or show respect to other road users anyway, so new laws would just be ignored as well.
What's needed is a 'shake up' of society, to change people's attitudes.
If every vehicle on the road was subject to a number plate, an "irresponsible idiot" caught on video, and subjected to £1000 fine (employed, student, on benefits, etc), would surely have their attitude changed.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
How have fines, and even prison sentences, stopped uninsured and unlicenced drivers?
Until there is a generally accepted movement that personal responsibility is cool, nothing will change.
Rather than a punitive approach (which demonstrably doesn't work) an encouragement of self elected communal wish for things to be better. Instead of, "THEY should do something about it", this is what I do. In other words, lead by example.
Shout, rant and make as many knee jerk laws as you like, a bad/sociopathic attitude is still exactly that, and the perveyor of such will carry on, even to his/her own detriment.