I've been wondering about eBikes for years, now I decided to get one. I've been told it's cheap and nasty but if it does what I expect of it I'm the winner. I'm old, knackered, need help to pedal, I like going out with my camera gear but didn't get far walking, the busses are a waste of time, two hours between, last one back a 5pm. An eBike is the solution to my problems weather permitting.
Started my working life as an apprentice electrician, after two years I quit and got into the Silk Screen printing industry, ended up in Canada in my early 20's came back to the UK in my mid 30's. I have now two Great Grandchildren, with another on the way. Life is good, but you need to get out now and again.
Started my working life as an apprentice electrician, after two years I quit and got into the Silk Screen printing industry, ended up in Canada in my early 20's came back to the UK in my mid 30's. I have now two Great Grandchildren, with another on the way. Life is good, but you need to get out now and again.