Yup, fellow Harley rider here!Having riden harleys for the past 20 years i have a fair bit of experience with belt drives, I have never had a single problem and i don't know anyone in our club chapter that has. Even my custom which has a full race 120ci 130hp motor runs a standard belt and has done over 6000 miles on a standard harley belt, admitted that is obviously only on road but it has experienced both very hot and cold conditions.
Yes this is the bike I bought! But not being delivered until late Oct. I can't see anywhere close up enough to know where the badass dongle connects to. Anyone got a better image so I can imagine it in my mind???
You mention a programmer can be bought for £189. Is this available on their website? I cannot find the link.50 cycles will happily sell you an s-pedelec from their shops knowing that your very likely to use them on the public paths and roads. They could hardly object to making some minor adjustment to your bike. At worst you could buy one of the programmers from them for £189 and then sell it afterwards. I doubt it would be an issue.