Kalkhoff Pro-Connect ?


Oct 25, 2006
Yes, it's definitely the wiser choice in your location musicbooks, your hills a very tough challenge for any hub motor bike.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
Agattu Diamond Delivery Delays?

I'm with musicbooks in the same queue for a 49cm diamond Agutta and will be seriosly hacked off if there's another delay. Problem with April is it'll be May then June, etc...:(

I agree with Flecc that you experience delays for some orders with cars etc., but these aren't being built to order - the only variable is frame size. Without opening up a new sore, can we have some real dates from 50Cycles for the Agutta, ProConnect and Tasman- or if they don't know let's hear it.

I'd like to think it was demand (fuelled by Flecc's review :( ) that's the problem, but that can't be so if none have arrived yet. But I'm beginning to think JimmyEngland was wisest to bale out early:eek: .

Maybe it's back to looking at the alternatives- Wisper, Flyer or what?


Oct 25, 2006
There's about 20 variables, four models in some five sizes in each, so with a demand across the board and the need to produce in runs of one type at a time, not so easy to satisfy quickly.

There have been plenty coming through, the mid to large size step through Agattus, but as the flow has stopped, I suspect it's delays in the Panasonic units, the one thing common to all models.

As for alternatives, it depends on the territory. In moderate territory others will do, but Chinese bikes aren't in the same quality league as German design and production. In the steepest hill territory, production hub motor bikes are not as competent and can be very hard work.
Sep 24, 2007
I must say (without dredging things up), now I have the Wisper, I'm very pleased that I did bale out of the Agattu when I did. Waiting and waiting just drives me mad if the date I'm waiting for keeps moving into the future. For me, it was better to get a refund of my deposit whilst still covered on my credit card guarantee and then buy another bike.

Whilst I live in Lincolnshire, there are hills. I actually live on a hill which is steep (enough for 'normal' cyclists to get off and push usually) and I rode up it today in the very low first gear that the 905SE has, in pedelec mode, and no throttle. It was easy enough. I suppose it's only one hill in a journey though. What's it like where you live then??


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
Jimmy- North London's famously a bit hilly (eg Hampstead, Highgate, Primrose Hill) but otherwise more of a grind than a real uphill. And hilly could be relative seeing the geographical spread of some contributors.

I'm just getting more impatient and fatalistic. I'm meant to be doing this for exercise, but preferably having started by now! If I don't have a real alternative in reserve (or a real delivery date) I could just give up!

Flecc- I'm sure you're right about the motors, but someone At 50Cyclesneeds to get a grip on real timescales or admit that they can't.


Oct 25, 2006
You'd have a bit of a shock on some of those Bristol hills Jimmy, some of the climbs are both very steep and long, and the whole area is hilly.

I've got two bikes with similar but more powerful hub motors from the same manufacturer as yours, Suzhoo Bafang, and neither was up to the steepest hills in my North Downs area until extensively modified.

Counties like Lincolnshire and similar are very easy territory in comparison. Hills of 10% often cause cyclists to walk up them, but I'm speaking of 14% to over 20%. Fit cyclists with the more powerful hub motors can be ok on 14% or a bit more, especially if they aren't long, but towards 20% is best suited to motors that drive through the gears or are low geared internally.


Oct 25, 2006
Flecc- I'm sure you're right about the motors, but someone At 50Cyclesneeds to get a grip on real timescales or admit that they can't.
They might be just as dependent as us. Three countries and three different languages involved in the chain, doesn't exactly make for good communications.

C'mon guys, a bit of tolerance and understanding doesn't hurt.

Think about it, why would anyone in the chain want to delay getting their hands on your money? It defies logic doesn't it? They will all be doing their damnedest to get bikes to you and get your money, while struggling with their three language communications.

And as I said before, if you've gone 40/50 years or more without one, in some cases without any e-bike, a few weeks is hardly the end of the world. You'll even have better weather for the riding when they arrive.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
Whilst I live in Lincolnshire, there are hills. I actually live on a hill which is steep (enough for 'normal' cyclists to get off and push usually) and I rode up it today in the very low first gear that the 905SE has, in pedelec mode, and no throttle. It was easy enough. I suppose it's only one hill in a journey though. What's it like where you live then??
Hi J,
I live in Bath.. two big, long, steep hills on my daily commute and plenty just for fun at the weekend too.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
Damn, damn, damn!! I'm so very sorry to hear that, and there just isn't anything useful to say. Do try and hang on in there for as long as you can chaps. This Pro Connect is obviously going to be one hell of a bike when it does arrive. :( :mad:
Both Tim and Scott have now reassured me that delivery of the 49 diamond frame Agattu will be next week (week 11). Hopefully, I'll be roadworthy soon.


Oct 25, 2006
I agree with the sentiment, Flecc and sympathise with them. But it doesn't stop me thinking there's no real delivery in sight.
There you are Simon, deliveries starting next week. :)

(Barring the ship sinking :eek: )


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
Hi Burncycle. To answer your question - yes I will wait. Having done my research, the Pro Connect is definitely the one for me.

I have considered getting a normal bike to do my 14.5 mile commute to work as I am quite fit (i.e. a runner though, not a cyclist) and you can obviously get something pretty special for the same price as a Pro-Connect. However, I feel that, for me, a pedelec is more realistic for everyday commuting, as there will inevitably be days when all you want to do is get to work without any fuss, or when you're feeling a bit under the weather and the last thing you want is a work-out.

Hang on in there - it will be worth the wait, and all you have to do is look at the Derby Cycles video on youtube (and the 50Cycles website) to renew your confidence that Derby Cycles will deliver. They are clearly a major, high quality manufacturer. I think that Flecc's comments regarding the availabilty of the Panasonic motor are spot on, but clearly Panasonic aren't small fry either. So eventually you will take delivery of a bike with two of the biggest and best behind it - a solid investment.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
yes thanks for that Larkspur !

I just contacted 50cycles and they confirm week 16 for the Pro-Connect.
If the Torq had a 1 year battery warranty I would have just got that but 6 months is not good enough for me at that price.
If they dropped the price of the Torq to say, £999 I think it would sell like hotcakes, but I think the Pro-Connect has blown it out of the water now, doesnt anyone agree. They would sell it if they just put the warranty up to 1 year all the same.


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
That is the same information that I was given Burncycle - but to be clear, I was under the impression that week 16 is the week that Derby Cycles have scheduled for production, not the week that 50Cycles will be sending it out to me in its van. I'm assuming there will be a 1-2 week gap between production and delivery (given that the bikes were originally scheduled for production this week but weren't going to be delivered to us until mid-March). I'm pointing this out, because my personal expectation is now late April/early May.

50Cycles has got the word April on its website. If they are able to confirm in week 16 that the bikes have been produced I will be happy and won't care that much whether I actually get it in April or early May. I'm sure 50Cycles will get them to us as soon as they possibly can - why wouldn't they? Fingers crossed!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Im gonna pick mine up from loughborough anyway to give it a personal PDI.
Its a good job they have a good product on their hands cus I think they would lose loads of customers if not, with their battery crisis and all !

Oh well, yeh Oh its the waiting game.
I suppose it gives me plenty of time to get fit enough for the bike coming.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
If they dropped the price of the Torq to say, £999 I think it would sell like hotcakes, but I think the Pro-Connect has blown it out of the water now, doesnt anyone agree. They would sell it if they just put the warranty up to 1 year all the same.
I am one of those who has a Torq but is trading it in for a Agattu. There are a number of reasons for wanting to change and the Torq 2 was on my shortlist before the Agattu arrived on the scene. There is no doubt that ezee has been wrong footed by the Li-ion battery issue and I couldn't put up over £1200 knowing that realistically the battery last until just after the warranty runs out. I am on my third battery in 19 months and luckily one of those batteries was replaced under warranty.

In fairness there are other reasons why the Agattu makes a better commuting bicycle - hub gears, chain guard, range etc. When you think about it they are difficult to compare as each has their own strengths - the Torq is a lot of fun.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
I've rode the Torq and it is alot of fun. More fun than the Agattu. But if you are on your 3 battery, it seems the fun is over far too soon !