I've only gorn and dunnit !


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
New ventisit seat pad arrived today and feels good. Tempted to try a short ride but discovered that the front disc is horribly worn. So, new disc but, oh bugger, it's a centre lock and I'm waiting on the special key, from the previous owner, for the dynamo axle.
This bike is providing a whole bunch of new experiences before I even get it on the road.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
So, the Son dynamo is a through axle or bolt with a very wierd unique shaped nut which I'm not sure I trust that much. The socket the previous owner sent me has a very small stress crack in it and I can see it failing.
Does anyone know what these things are called? Can I replace it with something more standard. The bike's never going to be out of site so security isn't a biggy with this.
Otherwise utube showed me how to get the disc off (I had the right tool:cool:) and a new one and pads are on their way.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
This is turning into a saga.
Got the chain links today, still waiting for the tools.
Got a nice new shimano centre lock disc for the front. But, oh bugger, it's 180mm not 160 (no bad thing I suppose), so just ordered an adaptor. New pads on their way.
Very bright flashing twin rear light fitted to the top of the seat bucket - should get me seen.
Nasty twist together and taped dynamo wiring fettled and heatshrunk.

All this just to get it roadworthy, haven't even started on the kit yet. From what I've seen so far I'll be starting a new thread for that.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2014
West Wales
Took the bike out to Pembrey Park today. Midweek so hardly anyone around and plenty of empty carparks to hoon around in.
I learned that I'm not yet safe to be on open roads, some of the wobbles were quite pronounced.
Also the bars were slighty off centre meaning my left leg was rubbing on my thumb.
Whilst doing figure of eights and various slow manouvering around carparks I discovered that the handling is a bit wierd. It will bank over nicely then reach a certain point where it will suddenly want to fall into the curve.
The Dillinger kit really has to go. I used it on setting 1 only to keep things within sane, however a quick blip of the throttle has it up to 40kph way to quickly and is scary when your bum is only 2ft off the floor.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
The Dillinger kit really has to go. I used it on setting 1 only to keep things within sane, however a quick blip of the throttle has it up to 40kph way to quickly and is scary when your bum is only 2ft off the floor.
:oops: Crumbs. Is it this kit?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
The wrong glasses can get in the way though so I ought to try a Zefal Dooback 2 on a bar end
I don't think Doobacl 2s on vertical handlebar ends would tilt enough, Zefal Cyclop maybe. And as has been observed about Zefals on other threads, objects may appear further away than they actually are. I have a Dooback 2 on the left and a Cylop on the right BTW, because I broke the right Dooback 2 (through no fault of the Dooback 2).
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