I know how you feel...!
Hi Pete
Hehehe! I know how you feel Peter!
A neat idea, but its just not that simple and I for one would not like to be responsible for any disappointment through error or misunderstanding that might cause..! (Though Russ (rsscott) has said that "over the next fews weeks I will try to collate the information we do have into some form of guide which will at least highlight the issues and point people in the right direction" - an unenviable task I must say!
So while its not so quick, direct or (apparently) straightforward, currently the best way to get information is to just ask, and also to get an idea from the experiences of others I guess?
Did you have a particular objective in mind (such as "how can I get up that **** 1 in 8 hill"?
(insert personal choice of expletive, just don't repeat it here!) if so, then see what you think of the suggestions I posted earlier today ("some hopefully useful ideas") & post back
I hope that helps Peter.
Hi Pete
I had hoped that by establishing the base power required to climb any gradient (say between 14% and 5%) one would need only the usuable output for any electric bike motor fed into an equation that contained the other vital personal data (previously considered) to conclude whether or not that bike would "DO IT FOR ONE".
Look at it another way..............
A neat idea, but its just not that simple and I for one would not like to be responsible for any disappointment through error or misunderstanding that might cause..! (Though Russ (rsscott) has said that "over the next fews weeks I will try to collate the information we do have into some form of guide which will at least highlight the issues and point people in the right direction" - an unenviable task I must say!
So while its not so quick, direct or (apparently) straightforward, currently the best way to get information is to just ask, and also to get an idea from the experiences of others I guess?
Did you have a particular objective in mind (such as "how can I get up that **** 1 in 8 hill"?
I hope that helps Peter.