Right. I've had a chance to study things. Unfortunately, as ever, your photos are missing essential detail. I'd need to be able to follow a wire out of the imax all the way to the battery, and at the same time see where you've spliced in the power leads.
Normally the battery and charger connectors are the same way round, not mirrored, so if you had a flat ribbon cable with the same connector each end, you'd have to twist it through 180 deg. to connect positive to positive. Is yours like that?
The imax will charge without the sense leads connected, but, like that, it won't do any balancing, so unplug the balance connector at the imax end,and just charge through the two power leads to see what happens. If you've connected to the right pins, you should see about 18v on the power wires. If it's more than three volts different, you've probably connected to the wrong pins. You should check the voltage of the two power wires. If it's in the correct range, see if it'll start charging, then connect the balance connector to the imax. If you press the second bbutton from the right, you should see the cell voltages.