
Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006
HI everyone
i hope to recive my torq bike sometime soon?
What i would like to know is would there be any advantage to change to hub gears.
1( would the change affect the top speed.
2(would hub gears be more heavy.
3could hill climbing be improved. many thanx nigel. southampton.


Oct 25, 2006
It's not really an option Nigel, since hub gears require slot dropouts in the frame to allow for chain adjustment. Derailleur bikes have vertical dropouts since the chain doesn't have to be adjusted.

It's possible to add a jockey wheel to provide slack takeup and allow use of a hub, but I don't think that extra complication is worth it.

I prefer hub gears on electrics and any utility bike since they need less maintenance and rarely need adjustment in the way derailleurs do. Wear is normally higher on derailleurs, but that's not a big deal on electrics since the rider input is lower overall.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006

yes i agree with you the hub seems to be a better option i also like the ideal of being able to change gear at a standstill also i think hub change is a bit quicker and more maintenance free it is good that more electric bikes are now coming out with hub gears ie the easy liv.nigel.


Oct 25, 2006
And a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Hub Gear Advantages

Less wear, less maintenance, easier to keep clean, gear changing when stationary, chain runs in line so wears less, thicker chain is stronger, can have any chainguard or chaincase.

Hub Gear Disadvantages

Heavier, often slower gear changing, pedalling power stops while changing gear, individual gear ratios cannot be changed, limit to number of gears. lower efficiency in power transfer overall, fitting and replacement expensive, repairs can be expensive.

Derailleur Advantages

Lighter, faster changes with less gaps in pedal power, individual gear ratios can often be changed, up to 27 or more gears, higher efficiency power transfer overall. Fitting and replacement can be cheap, repairs cheap.

Derailleur Disadvantages

Needs regular adjustment, needs more lubrication attention, gets dirty, difficult to clean, chain weaker and often runs out of line so wears more for both reasons, exposure to physical damage (e.g. Dropping off high kerbs or riding close to short posts can wreck changer), chaincase not practical.
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