More options:
Bes Bikes in New Charlton (Greenwich) - they do conversions and might be happy to show you around some of the options.
Buy a used electric bike within your budget (GBP350) from Ebay, or similar. Ride it for a bit, learn more, sell it and then do your conversion. There are a few folding ones available right now - perfect for shortish journeys and storage - plus - no-one ever wants to nick a folder.
Rob a bank and use the ill-gotten proceeds to purchase a Tern Vektron S10 (GBP4,100).
Bes Bikes in New Charlton (Greenwich) - they do conversions and might be happy to show you around some of the options.
Buy a used electric bike within your budget (GBP350) from Ebay, or similar. Ride it for a bit, learn more, sell it and then do your conversion. There are a few folding ones available right now - perfect for shortish journeys and storage - plus - no-one ever wants to nick a folder.
Rob a bank and use the ill-gotten proceeds to purchase a Tern Vektron S10 (GBP4,100).