I was trying to figure out how much power and calories are going into my ride using my Boardman Hybrid with the Oxydrive 13a kit but my lack of understanding of how these kits work is defeating me.
I looked t the Woosh bikes predictor and it estimated that I need 470WH for my return journey. If it takes me two hours for a return journey am I looking at 940W? Commute is over 33miles.
The battery is advertised as I=13A. When I start my ride a fully charged battery shows V=41 and when I return home V=36.5.
Using P =I x V tells me that the battery has 533W at the beginning of my commute and 474.5W at the end of the day. This means that I only used 58.5W.
Either the V reading from the computer is wrong or my asumption of the current being constant at 13A is wrong.
How would one work out how much legwork is going into a commute?
Thank you
I was trying to figure out how much power and calories are going into my ride using my Boardman Hybrid with the Oxydrive 13a kit but my lack of understanding of how these kits work is defeating me.
I looked t the Woosh bikes predictor and it estimated that I need 470WH for my return journey. If it takes me two hours for a return journey am I looking at 940W? Commute is over 33miles.
The battery is advertised as I=13A. When I start my ride a fully charged battery shows V=41 and when I return home V=36.5.
Using P =I x V tells me that the battery has 533W at the beginning of my commute and 474.5W at the end of the day. This means that I only used 58.5W.
Either the V reading from the computer is wrong or my asumption of the current being constant at 13A is wrong.
How would one work out how much legwork is going into a commute?
Thank you