How many electric bikes do you see out on the roads?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
Torq spotted

Spotted - an Ezee Torq being walked at Cambridge Circus, London. This is the first time I have seen another Torq on the road (well pavement really) in the nearly 18 months I have owned mine.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
I saw two on the outskirts of Leicester this morning, a lady and gentleman on a Lafree Twist and shiny new Torq Trekking respectively. We all stopped and had a chat, me being the first e-biker they had come across. A nice start to a beautiful winter morning.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Farnborough Hants and electric bikes

I used to have an electro drive and some friend have tried hiring electro drive modde dbikes for short breaks in the Surrey Hills. I went out on a trial with them on my Torq and I have to say, the electro drive was much better at coping with REAL hills than the Torq. The Torq is a communter bike, not a hill chomper in my opinion.

But back to the thread subject, I have seen quite a few electric bikes round here (Farnborough, Hants). Mainly Powerbikes but a few others, too. I would say maybe 10 over two years. Is that quite a few or is that pitiful? Actually, that is pitiful, isn't it?

Yes I too have seen a few around Farnborough, Hants. Well a handful, lol!
I have just purchased the SE from Germany and look forward to the extra speed.
I have currently owned a Powabyke for 3 years and could not have got by without it to be honest.
It is heavy but very reliable and have only just replaced the batterys after much use after 3 years!
I am looking forward to my light and more sophisticated looking bike though, lol!
Regards from Farnborough

wisper new milton

Finding my (electric) wheels
Jun 6, 2007
Electric bikes seen

I have been riding electric bikes for 14 years now. the 1st 2 were powabykes bought from the boat show and then I had 2 Yamaha pas bikes.

All the bikes I sold incidentally to Jamie at The Electric transprt shop as used for hire bikes!

In the New forest area where i live, I see one or 2 every week travelling around, always a powabyke or powacycle though!

In Kent there seems to be quite a few as my children often remark on seeing them regularly.

The difficulty nowadays is that modern electric bikes look like standard bikes and the only give away is that the riders are a lot older!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
LOL! You are right there, older and all :0)
I wouldn't be without my electric bike and do try and pluf them when possible as people stop and ask. :0)


Nov 21, 2006
Today I saw a Powacycle Windsor LPX parked outside Argos in Bristol. Nice to see one and it looked well nice (apart from the colour of the Battery!). Looks nicer in the flesh than on their website though.
I didn't see the owner as I probs would have had a nice natter about the normal things like performance etc.

Going back a couple of weeks I saw my first Torq in the flesh, was I excited! This was on Bath Road again in Bristol.
This looked like a beast compared to my little 24in wheeled Urban Mover LOL.
I did have a short chat with the owner - he mentioned that it didn't go as fast as he thought it would, which I was surprised at :eek: although I bet it goes a hell of lot faster than my little UM.

Anyways nice to see some electric bikes around and nice ones at that.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
Recently I've started to see a few electric bikes out on the road. Some of them are e-bikes but I've also seen a few of the 'shopper' type bikes. I've yet to see anyone else out on one away from the built up areas. It appears most of the initial buyers are using them for short journeys i.e. to the local supermarket.
There are quite a number in Felixstowe - a well know retiree town - but they are mostly the "moped" style and don't seem to be peddled much. The big Powerbyke is popular.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Ive noticed more push bikes on the road, pushing their bikes up the steep hills, as I go past with ease on the Quando, they shout ' OI,I want one of those!'
Think I ought to print out some flyers on where they can get one! Talk about make you jump with the oi! :mad:
Car drivers are very rude too, the times when they just beep you for the hell of it, smiling as you give them the evil, or cut you up...dont know if its because im a female driver, but its realllly annoying!
Grrrr I totally agree Gaynor :0) x


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006
I see powabykes everyday in southampton as everyone says they are heavy and crude but they do the job they also have a good dealer network i had 2 powabykes :D before my torq:) NIGEL.


Sep 28, 2007
Only Powabykes and Thompsons!

I see two Powabyke Shoppers, one original Powerbyke and one Thompson in my area - Bishop's Stortford and Harlow. I regularly cycle to London and see no electric bikes during my journeys or in Hackney. I think it doen't help that the only retail support I am aware of in the local area is for Powabyke; the very helpful Cycleking (Hawk Factory Cycke Cycle Stores) in Sawbridgeworth.


Oct 22, 2007
I have been on the look out for electric bikes since deciding I had to have one back in October. I have seen a few windsors in central bristol but today I saw 2 ebikes on the bristol to bath cycle path for the first time and within 2 minutes of each other.
The second one I heard before I saw it:D as it creaked up behind me on my trusty old non electric steed - I noticed the 50CC battery as he cruised past up the gradient. I didn't get to see what model it was but the rider was a good 20+ years older than me and seemed to be nonchantly pedalling along. After a minute I decided to catch up and ask him about his bike. You guessed it - no chance as he continued to put plenty of tarmac between us.:eek:

Roll on the delivery of my ebike :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
I overtook a Powacycle Windsor this morning on the way to work. It was the 1st time I have seen a Powacycle in Bath which personally is disappointing!! However my confidence soon returned when arriving at work I found a Powabyke Shopper locked up on MY usual lock up point!! So with this Shopper, my colleague's shopper and my commuter, I can see 3 Powabykes from my office window!




Oct 25, 2006
It was the 1st time I have seen a Powacycle in Bath which personally is disappointing!!

Not half as disappointed as that owner was the first time they tried one of your infamous Bath hills though. :D

Should've gone to Powabyke!

(with apologies to Specsavers)


Panasonic Flyer Spotted

Spotted this Panasonic powered Flyer in Spain last weekend. The photo shows one of a pair owned by an elderly Swiss couple. They were in such a hurry, they didn't want to stop for a chat.
Two things I thought odd, they were part of a group of four, the other two on conventional bikes, conventional apart from the tennis balls on the upturned ends of the handlebars:confused: and they were all wearing waterproofs despite the temperature being 30 degrees celsius with not a cloud in the sky:eek:


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Sep 24, 2007
I often see two Powabyke something-or-others chained up outside my local supermarket. They're ugly looking things but they presumably work well enough to be used a lot. They're also chained up with the most enormous motorcycle chain which must weigh a ton!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
I am becoming prolific. :cool:

An urban mover 24 and a powabyke shopper today on my ride in on the bath to bristol cyclepath
BrizzleBoy, as user of that path are you aware of the proposal to turn it into a bus-way, quote from Sustrans...

"The West of England Partnership.... is planning a new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in the Greater Bristol area.... One of the proposed BRT routes would run along a four and a half mile long section of the Bristol and Bath Railway Path between Bristol City Centre and Emersons Green, one of the busiest and most heavily used sections of the National Cycle Network."

There is an online petition opposing the plans on the Sustrans website.


Oct 22, 2007

Thanks for that and good to see it got some publicity.

I signed it a while back with the comment 'it will never happen - carry on cycling'. Proposed scheme was abandoned at the weekend by the City Council. ;)

PS Saw another Urban Mover last night - the ladies UM44 I believe