Yes I have the 350W YOSE AKM and with the speed limited to 15MPH it’s still a lot faster from stand still although the sticker says it a Bafang 250W
Is it ok to run the 350W off-road on a 48V battery ?
Motors don't care about voltage. Higher volts just makes them spin faster. It's the combination of amps and volts that gives the power, so if you have a small motor, like AKM 100, you need to keep the current to 15A or lower at 48v, but the larger motors, like yours should be able to handle 22 amps. The downside is that you can lose efficiency on some hills, which can make the motor hot if you go too slow.
It's difficult to be specific because only you know how you ride and what sort of hills you have. Generally, the increase in torque from the 48v gets you up the hill faster, and the faster you go, the higher efficiency, so the loss of efficiency from having a faster motor is more than compensated for by the increase in efficiency due to higher speed.
When I was experimenting with two motors, I couldn't understand how two motors together could climb the same hill with less watt-hours consumed than a single motor. It was because the single motor was struggling at low speed and therefore low efficiency, while as the extra power from the two motors could keep them spinning in their efficient zone.