Holy cow, Footie! You've been through the mill a bit haven't you! Keep well.
I'm getting more exercise with Bikey than I did with Old Faithful since Bikey encourages a little sprint every now and then.
Talking of a sprint. I was dawdling along the A27 cycleway (it's only near to, it's separate and off highway), ciggy in one hand, Bikey in the other, when I started to realise I was creeping up on one of the lycra brigade. Must only have been by 0.5mph. I finished my ciggy and was faced with 'do I slow down a little and hang back' or 'do I overtake and let the operation take 5 minutes'. A dilemma, until I realised I had the - dun-dun-dun-dahhhh 'Green Button'. Hit that puppy and started pumping the pedals (gently you understand) and tore past the guy at 19mph. Kept going until my thighs threatened to leap up and throttle me if I didn't desist. Knocked Bikey back down to normal, got up a long gentle incline and then - let Bikey take it for a few minutes while I dragged air in like a vaccuum cleaner, blew it out like a whale and let the white heat from my thighs radiate out to warm the bunnies (hmmm, that sounded rude, I obviously mean the little brown fluffy critters with the big ears). That was ok until one of the beggars ran alongside me and whipped out a toasting fork and some marshmallows.
I swear I saw a look of astonishment on the guys face as I passed him. Oh, he wasn't on a road bike, more a slim ATB. Wisper kicks butt (and helps bunnies get their treats).
Best regards.