How do you see e-bikes?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
I wonder where the sweatiest place in the UK is to cycle? Its got to be cornwall, warm, humid and up and built like a rollercoaster.
I think it's in the city centre when the red mist descends and you decide the only way to overtake the slow peloton is to join the main traffic at 20mph+ and keep up with the cars and buses. Problem is once there all you see is a constant stream of slow cycles and nowhere to pull back into, after a mile of this it gets a bit sweaty and exhaustion removes the red mist. :)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Dec 19, 2008
north coast of ireland
Holy cow, Footie! You've been through the mill a bit haven't you! Keep well.

I'm getting more exercise with Bikey than I did with Old Faithful since Bikey encourages a little sprint every now and then.

Talking of a sprint. I was dawdling along the A27 cycleway (it's only near to, it's separate and off highway), ciggy in one hand, Bikey in the other, when I started to realise I was creeping up on one of the lycra brigade. Must only have been by 0.5mph. I finished my ciggy and was faced with 'do I slow down a little and hang back' or 'do I overtake and let the operation take 5 minutes'. A dilemma, until I realised I had the - dun-dun-dun-dahhhh 'Green Button'. Hit that puppy and started pumping the pedals (gently you understand) and tore past the guy at 19mph. Kept going until my thighs threatened to leap up and throttle me if I didn't desist. Knocked Bikey back down to normal, got up a long gentle incline and then - let Bikey take it for a few minutes while I dragged air in like a vaccuum cleaner, blew it out like a whale and let the white heat from my thighs radiate out to warm the bunnies (hmmm, that sounded rude, I obviously mean the little brown fluffy critters with the big ears). That was ok until one of the beggars ran alongside me and whipped out a toasting fork and some marshmallows.

I swear I saw a look of astonishment on the guys face as I passed him. Oh, he wasn't on a road bike, more a slim ATB. Wisper kicks butt (and helps bunnies get their treats).

Best regards.

Vikki you are what would be described round here as an "eejit"!
Keep 'em coming, you really brighten up my day


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 3, 2009
Harrow, Middlesex
My imagination is running riot - I've followed your posts and I think you described yourself as unlikely to blow away in a gale (though not in those words) so whoever you tore past must have thought something had gone wrong with the laws of physics....

Whatever he might have been thinking, I would have expected he might have considered it foolhardy to look upon it as a challenge in case the result turned out to be terminal!



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
I don't go to the beach any more because I got sick of Green Peace trying to drag me back in the water. That wasn't too bad but what really got my goat was when they started digging a trench to the water.

OK, I'm not as big as I my jokes make out but I am about 15 and a half stone but I'm tall with it so I tend towards looking like a pregnant caber rather than a short round ball. :eek:

Mind you, I've seen some people in the lycra brigade tear past me but you can see they are serious about it but you can also see the lycra newbies. They aren't up to speed yet, they have a brand new bike and they've bought all the gear they perceive they need. I think they are sweet and I wish them well. I just hope they keep it up but, sadly, they seem to fall by the wayside after a day or two. I see my regulars every day and we always greet each other.

Best regards.
