When you are out riding on your ebike what percentage of the time are you actually using the electric assisst?
at start,switch assist to level 3 (of 6 settings).......assist cuts out at 25km/hr, so on downhill and flat i am soon travelling above assist level........on uphill increase assist level to max (hills are steep around here) to keep up a good speed......When you are out riding on your ebike what percentage of the time are you actually using the electric assisst?
It certainly will on the Tissington trail, uphill all the way from Ashbourne.Tomorrow I'm going to ride the High Peak and Tissington Trails when the battery will get more of a workout!
About 90% of the time for me, I bought a pedelec to make my commute faster so why would I ever not use it.When you are out riding on your ebike what percentage of the time are you actually using the electric assisst?