On sale in the EU store. Swank cardboard box with magnetic latches (!) padding and "felt" bag which is so black you can' get it to show in a photo
Why don't they just put it in a cardboard box like mutlistar and knock some more off the price? These are the batteries they like to sell to professional drone pilots apparently. Nicely balanced out of the box, is it worth the premium? Difference with the Multistar other than slightly more bulk is 15C discharge but if was drawing 150 Amps I think I would be in real trouble, maybe you will be cwah
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I went for a quick ride yesterday and... well you have these wrong expectations that because you now have 20 Ah nominative the bike will go twice as fast. In fact it rides just the same let's hope it goes twice as far
Battery left at storage voltage of 38.4 V, peak Amps 15.12, peak Watts 576.5, minimum voltage 37.66 = 0.6 V sag up a >12% ramp.
Monday's planned ride is my second choice because the temperature is going up and will probably be around 38°C again... Up and down bits, trail along river on old railway line then a pass with some 12% bits for desert.
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