Like all rules they don't fit all circumstances and create unfairness. For example, take the priority list:
- Pedestrians
- Cyclists
- Horse riders
- Motorcyclists
- Cars/taxis
- Vans/minibuses
- Large passenger vehicles/heavy goods vehicles
Buses are at the end, but I place them ahead of cars and will continue to. In cars we are mainly serving ourselves, but the bus driver is serving the whole community so should come first to enable them to keep to schedules. We all see car drivers when a bus is about to pull out from a stop put their foot down to all race past and get ahead. I do the opposite when car driving, giving the bus driver a double flash to pull out immediately.
And traditionally good driving meant giving way to heavy truck drivers coming uphill where they are disadvantaged by their poor power to weight ratio and can't recover speed once lost. This new blanket rule putting them last makes no allowance for that courtesy.
In my estate there's unfairness for cyclists too in these priorities. It's built on a deep valley with a spine road running the length of the valley floor and all of the housing is on spur roads running off on both sides. That means all the side roads are steep uphills, my one 14%. With many of them and pedestrians crossing all the time, cyclists having to stop for a pedestrian wanting to cross are then faced with a standing start up a very steep hill. A bit silly when both of them could carry on sensibly, passing each other safely.
So all in all I think it's best as guidance rather than law, allowing for common sense while still allowing the courts to use the Code's guidance in judgement and sentencing.