Ebike batteries are expensive investments.With each additional AH costing a premium.I think its high time the sellers of them,stopped hiding behind the CELL manufacturers misleading stats.
This will come as no news to some ebikers.However if you ,like myself until recenly, are in the majority,its an eye opener.
Basically, the industry uses a 0.2 amp draw on a cell as a statement of its capacity. At the typical 3amp draw of an ebike motor (higher on higher watt motors) the capacity is considerably reduced.
For example,my 17.4ah battery. It contains 60 samsung 2900mah 29e cells in 6p confguration.60 x2900 = 17.4ah .BUT ONLY AT 0.2 amp.No ebike in existance has a 0.2amp draw.At 3amps its 2580mah x 60 = 15.5ah .This applies to all batteries,regardless of cells used.You can find your own batteries REAL capacity on DAMPFAKKAS site. Specialist manufacturers of ebike batteries are aware of this.But it looks good for them to state as high a capacity as legally they can. But its dishonest.
My point is. If the purpose the cell is to be put to. Is in the construction of an ebike battery. Then the producer /seller of that product should,by consumer law,be required to state its typical capacity for its designed use.
Im not saying it will make batteries cheaper.Im just asking for accuracy and transparency in a product.
This will come as no news to some ebikers.However if you ,like myself until recenly, are in the majority,its an eye opener.
Basically, the industry uses a 0.2 amp draw on a cell as a statement of its capacity. At the typical 3amp draw of an ebike motor (higher on higher watt motors) the capacity is considerably reduced.
For example,my 17.4ah battery. It contains 60 samsung 2900mah 29e cells in 6p confguration.60 x2900 = 17.4ah .BUT ONLY AT 0.2 amp.No ebike in existance has a 0.2amp draw.At 3amps its 2580mah x 60 = 15.5ah .This applies to all batteries,regardless of cells used.You can find your own batteries REAL capacity on DAMPFAKKAS site. Specialist manufacturers of ebike batteries are aware of this.But it looks good for them to state as high a capacity as legally they can. But its dishonest.
My point is. If the purpose the cell is to be put to. Is in the construction of an ebike battery. Then the producer /seller of that product should,by consumer law,be required to state its typical capacity for its designed use.
Im not saying it will make batteries cheaper.Im just asking for accuracy and transparency in a product.