This is my first post since discovering this fantastic site. I've been lurking for a couple of months now, wondering whether to buy or not to buy. I have recently had a go on my friends Wisper 905 eco - but found it too big (even though the saddle was down as far as we could get it), I just didn't feel safe when approaching junctions as I couldn't get my feet to the ground as much as I would like - tippytoes and the bike leaning!
So anyway, I have decided I really want to get one asap but am finding it difficult as I live in Penzance, and although we have a great bike shop here, they only really do Wisper or Claud Butler. I am drawn to the Kalkhoff Agattu 8 speed as I believe they are good with hills, and it's very hilly here. I would like to be future proofed as much as finances will allow so wanted a big battery, which this has - in fact it ticks all the right boxes. My only worry is - will the 45cm frame be low enough for me? I can't test drive as I don't live near enough to anywhere that stocks them. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
So anyway, I have decided I really want to get one asap but am finding it difficult as I live in Penzance, and although we have a great bike shop here, they only really do Wisper or Claud Butler. I am drawn to the Kalkhoff Agattu 8 speed as I believe they are good with hills, and it's very hilly here. I would like to be future proofed as much as finances will allow so wanted a big battery, which this has - in fact it ticks all the right boxes. My only worry is - will the 45cm frame be low enough for me? I can't test drive as I don't live near enough to anywhere that stocks them. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.