>>Regarding your Heinzmann Classic motor identification, are you sure about the sticker label?
Yes, it's verbatim. A German ecar designer and Heinzmann guru said he couldn't find a reference for it in his model list, so it could be an older model. Neither the US Heinzman importer or the official Heinzmann website were any help IDing the motor. The two stickers on my motor are opposite each other, not next to each other.
>>I assume that you don't have the Hzm controller?
Personally I wouldn't try it at 36v, why not sell your 36v battery and buy a 24v?
No, I don't have the original controller and have ordered a generic brushed controller. There is lots of discussion here about running 24v motors on 36v successfully to get higher speeds. That's why I'm posting here, to see if this is doable with my Heinzmann motor.