GreenEdge or Dahon folders, anyone?


Oct 25, 2006
There's hardly anyone doing this, possibly because there are so many variations of folders and forks that each job would be like a prototype, with the commensurate high costs and problems. That's almost certainly why C H White won't retrofit customers own bikes.

The only services I know of are the C H White conversion of a new bike, the Electrobike Brompton-Nano conversion, and those fitting the Heinzmann motor, like Kinetics of Glasgow. That last company does undertake some difficult conversions, but the costs are high and the Heinzmann motor and kit are really a bit heavy for folding bikes that have to be carried and lifted. It's also very expensive due to it's high quality manufacture.

Ayrshire Jim

Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 20, 2008
You wouldn't make a lithium ion battery last 7.6 years since they age regardless of used or not. A two year life is quite normal though you might with luck get three years doing short journeys, which yours seems to be.

One possible problem is battery availability in two or three years time, since bikes like these appear and disappear again with monotonous regularity, only the major brands staying around for as few years.

I'd strongly recommend the Wisper 805, not because it's necessarily a better bike, but because Wisper are well established now, are known to give good support and also have a few local dealers as well. The 20" wheel version is the better bet for cycling quality, 16" wheels nothing like as good for the cycling part. Here's a link to see it:

Wisper 805

Click the specification link on the right of that page and you'll be able to see the 20" wheel version.
Thank you. I hope that Halfords can get me the 20" 805, it seems ideal. I'm stuck with Halfords through my employers scheme, they seem helpful enough but I get the feeling they are reading off a menu, bit like my local Chinese, if its not on there, they (politely mind) would rather not know.

Didn't really want the Brompton anyway, I haven't turned into my Dad just quite yet

ta again