The few chargers I've looked at were all switched mode systems, so would happily work on DC if required. As such, I can't see that the waveform would present any problems at all.
One idea that might be worth exploring would be to have a bank of smaller 12V batteries charged up in parallel by a solar panel, then switched into series to drive a charger directly at a higher voltage. This would be more efficient than using an inverter. You don't need to go to 240V either, as the switched mode chargers work from about 90V to 240V with a DC input.
A stack of eight 12V batteries, together with a suitable series/parallel switch and solar panel, would seem like a reasonable approach. The batteries wouldn't need to be very big either, even very cheap 5 to 10Ah 12V SLAs would do, as the current required to run the charger isn't very high. I reckon you could build a viable solar charger using this approach for less than £100, with a bit of ingenuity.