You've answered yourself already Hal. As you know, the Prius battery is guaranteed for eight years, and in satellite use NiMh cells are used for ten years and remain serviceable after that. The key is partial use, in satellites only one seventh of the cell capacity is used and recharged every 24 hours.
And that's why I specifically mentioned this in relation to the Cytronex, since it's very small capacity battery means most users will have to quite fully discharge it all the time, leaving little chance for life extension.
For longest life the stress points at full discharge and full charge need to be avoided, but as you say that is very difficult to achieve on our bike batteries. Personally I just use the batteries and buy again as necessary as doing otherwise can be so much hassle.
To realistically achieve long NiMh battery life on mainstream e-bikes we'd need to at least double the capacity, the Wisper 905se needing 28 Ah and making old Powabykes look like lightweights! There's a self defeating aspect too. If we doubled up the Cytronex or any other bike batteries with them wired in parallel, it's very doubtful we'd double the life but it would double the cost, so no point.