Did any doctors think that physiotherapy would help? After being referred to a physio or my sciatica by my GP, I was given exercises to strengthen my transverse abdominis muscles to correct spine curvature causing nerve compression resulting in pain all down the back of my legs to my toes, and the pain disappeared after two weeks. I still have to do those exercises from time to time. Repeatedly going back to your GP and reporting pain, escalates your case I think, to the point where they have to do something, which could be referral to a physio if appropriate.GP? what GP? Ours are missing in inaction. 8 weeks for a telephone consultation if you're lucky, 12 weeks for in person.
Since the accident I've been shipped all over the country to various NHS and private clinics, MRI's two of them, one CAT scan, numerous x-rays and in the end they all said I'll have to live with it as best I can.
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