You do not say if you bought the bike new or second hand . Assuming it is second hand , have a look round the bike for obvious signs of damage to the wiring. What were conditions like when the bike failed, climbing a hill/ Heavy rain? What is your level of technical ability? Do you have a multimeter, and do you know how to use it? Take the fuse out again and check it, you must not assume. When you put the battery back on the bike and switched it on, it is strange that the fuse should blow at that point, because unless the bike is capable of powering up from a standing start, and the throttle was open, the motor is not in circuit. All that should be connected at that point is the controller, and the battery-to-controller wiring . Of course it is possible that the fuse is ok, but the battery connections are dirty where it connects to the bike. We need a lot more info . Please answer all my questions.